FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
OM To Provide New Settlement System For ABN In Australia
Date 09/07/2001
ABN AMRO has signed an agreement with OM to deliver and install a new Settlement Back Office to support its Australian equities business. The agreement includes delivery, implementation and five years of support of OM's OneWorld Settlement engine, and is expected to have an order value of about 30 MSEK (approx. 3 MUSD).
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited: Agreement To Provide Greater Access To HKATS
Date 09/07/2001
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), has signed an agreement with France-based GL Trade, a leading provider of electronic financial trading software. Under the agreement, market participants around the world will be able to connect to HKATS, the Hong Kong Futures Automated Trading System, through GL's proprietary network, GL Net, pending completion of necessary regulatory approvals.
HKEx Addresses Changes To Hang Seng Indices
Date 09/07/2001
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has been informed of the upcoming reconfiguration of HSI Services' indices. This reconfiguration, among other things will result in the eventual phasing out of the Hang Seng 100 Index and a revamp of the existing Hang Seng China-Affiliated Corporations (Red-chip) Index.
Eurex Sets Position Limits For September Capital Market Products - Bund, Bobl And Schatz World's Most Successful Family Of Exchange-Traded Derivatives - Ferscha: Interest In Eurex Interest-Rate Products Continues To Rise
Date 09/07/2001
Eurex, the international derivatives market, has set the position limits for the September 2001 contracts in the Euro BUND, Euro BOBL and Euro SCHATZ futures. They are 80,000 contracts for the Bund future, 30,000 for the Bobl future and 40,000 for the Schatz future. According to Eurex, the limits support the early rollover of open positions in the September contracts into the next contract month (December) of the settlement cycle. As already reported on June 5, the limits are valid for the per
Copenhagen Stock Exchange: Activity In The Fist Half Of 2001 Generally Unchanged In Comparison With The Same Period The Previous Year
Date 09/07/2001
The equity trading volume in the first six months of the year amounted to a market value of DKK 390 billion corresponding to an increase of 3% in comparison with the same period the previous year. The daily average trading amounted to DKK 3.2 billion per trading day against DKK 3.1 billion.
Bruce Turner Joins Nasdaq To Lead SuperMontage - Dan Franks Appointed Head Of Market Operations
Date 09/07/2001
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. today announced that Salomon Smith Barney veteran Bruce Turner will join Nasdaq® on July 9 to lead the development and implementation of its SuperMontageSM system. Turner, 36, will serve as an executive vice president of Nasdaq Transaction Services and will play a key role in improving relationships with market participants.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 09/07/2001
The market edged slightly higher to a new record high of 2037.08 but on significantly less volume than last week.
Partner Communications Dual Lists On Tel Aviv Stock Exchange - Four More U.S.-Listed Companies Dual-List In One Week
Date 08/07/2001
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange announced that Partner Communications (Nasdaq: PTNR, LSE: PCCD) dual-listed its shares on the TASE.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Introduces Revised Field Pea Futures Contract
Date 06/07/2001
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange (WCE) is introducing a revised field pea futures contract (effective with the Oct 01 contract and forward) with the launch date of the new contract design set for July 25, 2001. This field pea futures contract is similar in design to the recently revised feed wheat contract.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Canola Volume Levels Excees Year-Ago Totals, While Canola Open Interest Reached All-Time Record Levels In June
Date 06/07/2001
Canola futures pit trade for the month of June rose 9.5% to 166,799 contracts compared to 152,358 contracts in June 2000. Crop year-to-date canola futures pit trade for 2000/01 came in at 2,083,976 contracts, roughly 20% higher compared to the same period one year earlier.
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