FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Ljubljana Stock Exchange Monthly Statistical Report - August 2001
Date 21/09/2001
Turnover In August 2001 the total turnover on all market segments of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange amounted to SIT 18.77 billion, which was almost 40% lower than in July and almost SIT 8 billion or 72% above the August 2000 figure. The month 's turnover was the second largest of the August turnovers in the last five years. A larger volume of trade was only registered in the "record " month of August 1998 when, due to fresh money invested in shares, the index reached its highest value
HKEx Interim Report Is Now Available On The Internet
Date 21/09/2001
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) has published its Interim Report for the six months to 30 June 2001 on its website http://www.hkex.com.hk (Please see "Investor Relations Corner" on the homepage). Copies of the Interim Report will be available on Monday 24 September from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for news organisations' collection at the reception counter of HKEx's office at One and Two Exchange Square, Central, Hong Kong. News organisations' representatives are requested to present a bu
Euronext Did Not Open This Morning
Date 21/09/2001
Euronext Amsterdam did not open this morning because of a technical problem in the Trading System Amsterdam. Because of this problem, overnight orders were missing in the orderbook. Euronext Amsterdam solved the problem, and has secured that the orderbook of Trading System Amsterdam is up to date.
EPRA, NAREIT & Euronext launch Global Real Estate Index Series
Date 21/09/2001
The European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA), the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trustsâ (NAREIT) and Euronext announce the launch, on 1st October 2001, of a new global real estate equities index, the EPRA/NAREIT Global Real Estate Index.
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Established; CME Donating $1 Million To Sept. 11 Disaster Relief
Date 21/09/2001
CME approved the establishment of a charitable foundation and authorized $1 million to be directed toward the relief of persons affected by the devastating attacks in New York and Washington on Sept. 11. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation was incorporated this week and will begin accepting additional donations from CME shareholders, members and staff today through Wednesday outside its trading floors. Among the organizations the CME Foundation will support will be the Chicago Remembers F
CBOE Members Vote In Favor Of Exercise Right Agreement
Date 21/09/2001
September 21, 2001Dear Members: Yesterday, the members of the Chicago Board Options Exchange voted in favor of the exercise right agreement that had been approved by the Boards of Directors of both exchanges. We congratulate Bill Brodsky and Mark Duffy, along with their Board, for their leadership in this matter that clarifies the scope of CBOT® members' exercise right.
Toronto Stock Exchange And CDNX To Provide $50,000US To U.S. Relief Efforts
Date 20/09/2001
On behalf of the employees of The Toronto Stock Exchange and the Canadian Venture Exchange, a donation of $50,000US is being made to the September 11th Disaster Relief Fund.
Standard & Poor's - Index Adjustment - TSE And S&P/TSE Canadian Indices
Date 20/09/2001
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces that effective after the close of business on Friday, September 21, 2001 the relative weights of the companies in the TSE and S&P/TSE Canadian Indices will be adjusted. The relative weight change reflects the quarterly update to the float shares of various companies. Changes to the indices are in accordance with TSE 300 Composite Index Maintenance Policies.
Program Trading Averaged 29.1 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Sept. 4-Sept. 7, 2001
Date 20/09/2001
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Sept. 4-7, 2001.
Nymex Postpones Introduction Of Brent Light, Sweet Crude Oil Calendar Options
Date 20/09/2001
Due to recent events, the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., has postponed until further notice the launch of calendar spread options contracts based on Brent and light, sweet crude oil futures, originally scheduled for tomorrow.
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