Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary

    Date 29/10/2001

    Lacklustre trading did not deter the market from reaching new heights, as it broke through the 2300 point barrier for the first time, to close at 2306.19.

  • Botswana Stock Exchange Company news

    Date 29/10/2001

    BIHL has issued a notice for its Extraordinary General Meeting to be held at the Grand Palm Conference Centre on 21st November 2001 at 1400hrs.

  • Baltic Stock Exchanges Monthly Statistics September 2001

    Date 29/10/2001

    Riga In September total Latvian capital market trading volume reached EUR 39.26 million (LVL 22.38 million). Equity market trading amounted EUR 15 million (LVL 8.5 million), and, though, the volume traded was smaller than in August, it was still well above the average trading level of this year in RSE. Similarly to previous months, major stake (more than 80%) of equity market turnover consisted of Latvijas Gaze share trading. Trading turnover in Debt market was EUR 24.26 (LVL 13.83)

  • Australian Stock Exchange Limited Response To Media Speculation On SFE

    Date 29/10/2001

    Following newspaper reports about efforts by the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) to be acquired by Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX), ASX wishes to confirm that no discussions are taking place on this issue and no such discussion is on our agenda.

  • Australian Stock Exchange Limited Quarterly Update - 3 Months To 30 September 2001

    Date 29/10/2001

    Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX) today released unaudited figures showing a profit from ordinary activities for the three months to 30 September 2001 of $13.2 million, in line with the $13.4 million recorded for the corresponding three months to 30 September 2000.

  • Australian Stock Exchange Limited Chairman`s Address To Shareholders.

    Date 29/10/2001

    I am particularly pleased to be chairing this meeting in Melbourne, where a stock exchange has operated successfully for 117 years. ASX stands for Australian Stock Exchange, and it is important that we never lose sight of the fact we are a national exchange, not a Sydney one. It is one more feature that sets us apart from our peers, and I believe, it is one more reason why the market has been embraced by so many shareholders across Australia.

  • Update In KLSE Syariah Index Components

    Date 26/10/2001

    The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) is updating the component stocks of the KLSE Syariah Index (KLSE SI) in line with the revised list of approved securities issued by the Syariah Advisory Council of the Securities Commission on Friday, 26 October 2001.

  • The American Stock Exchange Announces The First U.S. ETF "Twin" To A Japanese ETF - U.S. Equivalent To Japanese ETF Among The Four New iShares To Begin Trading

    Date 26/10/2001

    The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®), the leader and pioneer in exchange traded funds (ETFs), in conjunction with Barclays Global Investors, N.A., the largest manager of indexed products in the world, and the Tokyo Stock Exchange, the premier exchange of Japan, announced trading today in the first U.S.-listed ETF equivalent to an ETF recently listed on The Tokyo Stock Exchange. This marks a first in ETF development through the listing of a U.S. ETF with identical performance objectives to a Japa

  • SEC Chairman Harvey Pitt Announces The Selection Of Michael W. Robinson As Director Of Public Affairs

    Date 26/10/2001

    Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Harvey L. Pitt today announced the selection of Michael W. Robinson as Director of the Office of Public Affairs, Policy Evaluation, and Research. Mr. Robinson 37, will serve as the SEC's principal spokesperson and raise public awareness of the Commission's mission and actions.

  • Nymex Issues Notice To Reassure Building Occupants On Air Quality

    Date 26/10/2001

    New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., Chairman Vincent Viola and President J. Robert Collins, Jr., today issued a notice to reassure all Exchange members, staff, and occupants of the Exchange building that the air in and around the Exchange building has been tested regularly and all results have been well below the standards deemed acceptable by the Environmental Protection Agency and other government agencies.