Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SGX Launches First Stage Of Securities Lending

    Date 31/10/2001

    Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) today announced that from 1 November 2001, it will begin building a lending pool of investors as the first step towards the SGX Securities Lending programme.

  • Nymex: Exchange To Introduce Exchange Of Futures For Swap Transactions In Natural Gas Market Beginning Tomorrow

    Date 31/10/2001

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it would begin offering tomorrow exchange of futures for swap (EFS) transactions in the first step of its plans to offer over clearing services to the over-the-counter (OTC) natural gas market.

  • HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts

    Date 31/10/2001

    Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced today (Wednesday) that with effect from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 1 November, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the clearing company's normal procedures and standard margining methodo

  • Euronext Revenues Highly Resilient In The 9 Months To September 30 2001, Coming In At € 522.6m

    Date 31/10/2001

    Euronext NV announces revenues of €522.6m for the first nine months of 2001 compared with € 523.2m for the same period of 2000. In the third quarter of 2001, despite the sharp slowdown in the listing business, revenues from derivatives trading, clearing and sales of market data and software all increased, while the decline in cash trading commissions was limited to 7.2%. Excluding the impact of lower listing fees, Euronext's overall revenues would have risen by 1.8%.

  • Deutsche Börse To Appeal Teamwork And Prout Court Decisions - Company Stands By Delisting Rules

    Date 31/10/2001

    Deutsche Börse will appeal the decisions of the local Frankfurt court regarding the applicability of the exclusion rules in the case of the two companies, Teamwork and Prout. At the same time, on Wednesday the exchange operator again emphasized the importance of the new exclusion rules; in the interest of investors and the companies who set store in the quality of Neuer Markt, Deutsche Börse will stand by the rules. According to the court's decision, Deutsche Börse may not exclude Teamwork from