FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Tokyo Stock Exchange Requested Credit Suisse First Boston Securities (Japan) Ltd. To Submit Business Improvement Report
Date 05/04/2002
TSE requested Credit Suisse First Boston Securities (Japan) Ltd. (CSFB) to submit business improvement report as to strengthen its internal control system, secure strict compliance by the directors and staff, take preventive measures against recurrence of the violations mentioned below, and clarify locus of responsibility, pursuant to the TSE's Trading Participant Rule.
Tokyo Stock Exchange - Announcements Of Short Selling Data
Date 05/04/2002
Recent revisions at TSE have included the decision to publicly announce data figures on short selling on TSE. A description of how these announcements will be made follows below.
Stock Exchange Of Thailand Trading Value And Volume In Q1 2002 Increase By 40% From 2000
Date 05/04/2002
Ms. Sopawadee Lertmanaschai, Managing Director of the Capital Market Opportunity Center (CMOC), in announcing the trading turnover on both the SET and the Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) noted that, "In the first quarter of 2002 (Jan.-Mar. 2002), the trading turnover on the SET reached 741,228.19 million baht, an increase of 43.64% on the 225,183.49 million baht of the same period last year. At the same time, the SET Index closed at 373.95 points, up by 82.1 (28.09%) compared to 291.94 p
Standard & Poor's Announces S&P Canadian Indices Correction
Date 05/04/2002
It was incorrectly announced earlier that WestJet Airlines Inc. (TSE: WJA) would replace Alberta Energy Company Ltd. (TSE: AEC) in the TSE 100 Index. The release should have read that SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. (TSE: SNC) will replace Alberta Energy Company Ltd. in the TSE 100 Index. SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. is an engineering and construction company dealing with project solutions to various industries.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P Canadian Indices - TSE 300 Composite, TSE 300 Capped, S&P/TSE 60, S&P/TSE 60 Capped, S&P/TSE Canadian MidCap, S&P/TSE Canadian SmallCap, S&P/TSE Canadian Energy Sector, S&P Global 1200, TSE 100 And TSE 200 Indic
Date 05/04/2002
Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the TSE 300 Composite, TSE 300 Capped, S&P/TSE 60, S&P/TSE 60 Capped, S&P/TSE Canadian MidCap, S&P/TSE Canadian SmallCap, S&P/TSE Canadian Energy Sector, S&P Global 1200, TSE 100 and TSE 200 Indices: Effective at the close of trading on Friday, April 5, 2002, Meota Resources Corp. (TSE: MRZ) will be added to the TSE 300 Composite, TSE 300 Capped, S&P/TSE Canadian SmallCap and TSE 200 Indices. It will be replacing Alberta Energy Co
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P Canadian Indices
Date 05/04/2002
Pursuant to quarterly rebalancing methodology, Standard & Poor's will make the following changes in the S&P/CDNX Composite Index effective after the close of trading on Friday, April 19, 2002. As of the close of trading on Wednesday, April 3, 2002, the index was comprised of 528 companies. A total of 80 companies will be removed from the index and 107 new companies will be added. The revised index will therefore be made up of 555 companies.
Instinet Announces U.S. Share Volume For March 2002
Date 05/04/2002
Instinet Group Incorporated (Nasdaq: INET) announced today that its U.S. equity volume in March 2002 totaled 4,773 million shares. This compares to 4,943 million shares in February 2002 and 8,177 million shares in March 2001.
FTSE 100 To Be Held For Two Minutes To Mark The Funeral Of The Queen Mother
Date 05/04/2002
Following the death of HRH the Queen Mother, the FTSE 100 will be held for two minutes at 11.30am BST on Tuesday 9 April to mark the funeral. All other FTSE indices will be calculated as normal. This move is in line with the London Stock Exchange's suspension of automatic execution.
Euronext N.V. Key Indicators: Daily Turnover In Shares Up 11.2% In March. Average Daily Trades Up 8.9% - Steady Growth Of Nexttrack Activity
Date 05/04/2002
Share trading through Euronext NV orderbooks averaged €7.08 billion per day in March 2002, up 11.2% from the previous month. Total trading in March 2002 was €141.6 billion. Daily average trading was €7.29 billion in March 2001 and €6.72 billion over the whole year 2001.
Euronext LIFFE Traded 63.4 Million Contracts In March 2002, More Than Any Other Derivatives Exchange In The World, And Up 21% From March 2001
Date 05/04/2002
Euronext LIFFE, the derivatives business of Euronext, traded a total of 63.4 million contracts during the month of March, more than any other derivatives exchange in the world. Average daily volume amounted to 3.2 million, which represents an underlying nominal daily value of €624 billion, confirming Euronext LIFFE's position as the world's second largest derivatives exchange in terms of value. Total open interest stood at 96.5 million contracts on 28 March 2002. Euronext LIFFE traded 181 millio
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