Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • RTS Stock Exchange Bonds Weekly Data: December 23rd-December 27th

    Date 30/12/2002

    For the period of December 23rd-December 27th, 2002, the total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 1 647 thousand US dollars, compared to 5 450 thousand US dollars for the period of December 9th - December 20th, 2002. The number of trades equaled 4.

  • Nymex To Raise Crude Oil And Petroleum Product Margin Rates

    Date 30/12/2002

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today margin rate increases on its light, sweet crude oil; e-miNY crude oil; Brent crude oil; heating oil; and unleaded gasoline futures contracts as of the close of business tomorrow.

  • Nasdaq Liffe Markets Announces New Product Listing: Fifteen New Stocks Added - Taking NQLX Listing To 58 Products

    Date 30/12/2002

    Nasdaq Liffe Markets, LLC (NQLX) announced today the addition of fifteen new single stock futures beginning January 6, 2003. The addition of these stocks takes the total NQLX product number to 54 futures on individual stocks and four ETFs.

  • Muscat Securities Market Weekly Report

    Date 30/12/2002

    The MSM index closed the week ended Thursday, December 19. '02, at 192.46 points, which is 0.4% higher than 191.70 in the preceding week. The Banks & Investment Sector and the Services Sector appreciated by 0.5% and 0.4% respectively, while the Industry Sector remained unchanged. In the Industry Sector, Salalah Flour Mills registered the highest price appreciation of 5.6%. Other index linked scrips which registered gains were Al Anwar Ceramic Tiles, Oman Textile Mills and Muscat Gas. In the B&I

  • International Securities Exchange Realigns Internal Reporting Channels In Support Of Strategic Agenda

    Date 30/12/2002

    The International Securities Exchange (ISE) said Monday that it is realigning its internal corporate reporting structure to provide increased support in the execution of the company's strategic plans.

  • HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts

    Date 30/12/2002

    Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Thursday, 2 January 2003, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the cle

  • HEX Share Turnover In 2002 Over 188 Billion Euro

    Date 30/12/2002

    On 27 December, the accumulated share turnover for 2002 reached 188 billion euro (2001 total: EUR 203 bn) which was seven per cent less than in the previous year. The number of shares traded increased by almost 40 per cent and was 16 billion. The total market capitalization of listed companies was 150 billion euro (2001: EUR 217 bn).

  • Futures & Options On RTS Stock Exchange Weekly Data: December 23rd-December 27th

    Date 30/12/2002

    For the period of December 23rd-December 27th, 2002, the total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on RTS) equaled 303 thousand contracts. In terms of underlying value total trading volume reached 1 3751 million rubles. The number of trades reached 9 020. Total open interest, as of December 27th, 2002, stood at 302 thousand contracts and 1,2 million rubles.

  • Euronext Amsterdam: LogicaCMG Replaces CMG In Next 150 index

    Date 30/12/2002

    As a result of the merger between CMG (N150) and Logica into the new company LogicaCMG, the new company LogicaCMG will replace CMG in the Next 150 index (N150) as of Tuesday 31 December 2002.

  • Copenhagen Stock Exchange: The Nosedive Of The International Equities In 2002 Resulted In The Sharpest Fall In Prices On The Copenhagen Stock Exchange For A Decade

    Date 30/12/2002

    Like the international equity markets, the KFX Index on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange also fell in 2002. If you compare the fall of the KFX Index with the movements in market prices on major international stock exchanges and the other partners of the NOREX Alliance, the KFX Index once again outperformed the others, as it has done in the last two years. Only Nikkei and Dow Jones did relatively better than the KFX Index. The fall in the FTSE indices is on a par with the fall in the KFX Index. In g