FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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KOFEX Weekly Bulletin
Date 30/07/2003
Please click here for the KOFEX Weekly Bulletin.
July 2003 "Market's Measure" - Preliminary Report; A Monthly Report From Dow Jones Indexes And STOXX Ltd. On The Performance Of U.S., European And Other Global Stock Market Indexes
Date 30/07/2003
HKFE Announces Revised Margins For Futures Contracts
Date 30/07/2003
Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited (HKFE), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx), announced that with effect from the commencement of trading on Friday, 1 August 2003, the minimum margins to be collected by an Exchange Participant from its clients in respect of their dealings in the following futures contracts will be as outlined in the table below. The adjustments are based on the clearing company's normal procedures and standard margining methodology.
Committee Of European Securities Regulators Consults On Minimum Disclosure Requirements For Sovereign Issuers And Financial Information On Prospectus
Date 30/07/2003
CESR releases today a consultation paper on possible draft technical measures to implement the Directive on Prospectus. The proposed measures would need to be met when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading. Responses to the consultation paper (Ref. CESR/03-210b and Annexes available on the CESR website) are required by 30 October 2003. This will shape the basis of CESR's final submission to the European Commission requested by 31 Decembe
Clearstream And Euroclear To Launch 'Automated Daytime Bridge' By November 2004
Date 30/07/2003
Euroclear Bank and Clearstream International today jointly announced the development of a new, automated, daytime Bridge between the two international central securities depositories (ICSDs). The 'Bridge' is an electronic communications link which facilitates the efficient settlement of securities transactions between counterparties in Clearstream Banking Luxembourg and Euroclear Bank. This new development will supplement the existing overnight electronic Bridge and will replace the manually ope
CBOT Reaches Second Highest Exchange Daily Volume - Ten-Year Treasury Note Options And Five-Year Treasury Note Futures Contracts Set Daily Volume Records
Date 30/07/2003
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today announced the second highest exchange daily volume in the CBOT's history was reached yesterday at 3,175,125 contracts traded. The overall exchange daily volume record remains at 3,286,987 contracts set on May 28, 2003.
Bolsa De Madrid Admits To Trading 23 New Warrants
Date 30/07/2003
As of August 1 Bolsa de Madrid will begin trading 23 new warrants issued by Banesto Banco de Emisiones. The underlying assets of the warrants are Spanish shares and indices.
Benn Steil Written Testimony To The Committee On Governance Of NYSE
Date 30/07/2003
Please click here to view Benn Steil's written comments to the Committee on Governance Of NYSE, chaired by NYSE board members Carl McCall and Leon Panetta. Benn Steil will be giving oral testimony on Tuesday, August 5.
Baltic Exchange Plans To Introduce New Freight Index
Date 30/07/2003
The Baltic Exchange has announced today that it intends to undertake the widest possible consultation with the industry before introducing a new index that will replace the existing Baltic Handymax Index (BHMI).
TSX Group Inc. Reports Results For Second Quarter 2003
Date 29/07/2003
Earnings per share of 48 cents unchanged from the second quarter, 2002 Revenue decline of 5% offset by lower expenses and income taxes Quarterly dividend of $0.18 per common share declared
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