Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Toronto Stock Exchange Distribution Notices For "Tips 35" And "Tips 100"

    Date 21/06/1999

    The Toronto Stock Exchange has declared distributions for both Toronto 35 and TSE 100 Index Participation Units for the second quarter ending June 30, 1999. The distribution for holders of TIPS 35 as at June 30, 1999 is $0.18742 per Participation Unit and will be payable July 16, 1999. The distribution for holders of TIPS 100 as at June 30, 1999 is $0.18134 per Participation Unit and will be payable July 16, 1999. Both TIPS 35 and TIPS 100 will trade ex-distribution on June 28, 1999.

  • Swedish and Danish Equity Trading Unites

    Date 21/06/1999

    For the first time in history, two separate stock markets have linked up. Today marks the start of equity trading on the OM Stockholm Exchange and the Copenhagen Stock Exchange via a single system. This implies trading in Swedish and Danish shares via a single system and according to common trading rules-70% of the total Nordic equity market is now accessible from one system.

  • Paris Markets Transaction Volumes Slightly Down in May

    Date 21/06/1999

    Despite showing a 5.58% dip compared to the previous month, May's daily average transaction volume of EUR2.47 billion exchanged on the Premier Marché and Second Marché marked a 19.22% rise compared to the average for the whole of 1998. The total transaction volume of EUR258.75 billion for the first five months of the year showed a 26.4% increase compared to the same period in 1998, with the number of trades rising by 16.8% at 21.5 million. The total number of trades for May was 3.9 million.

  • New Market of Amsterdam Exchanges Creates Direct Link With Paris

    Date 21/06/1999

    From June 1999, the New Market of Amsterdam Exchanges is directly linked with the Nouveau Marché de Paris. Banks and trading firms with a cross membership for the Benelux-bourses already use a direct link between Brussels and Amsterdam. This means that three out of the five actual Euro-NM markets are linked directly. At this moment a direct link with Frankfurt, Milan and possible new members of the Euro-NM initiative is subject of a study.

  • Hong Kong Listed Companies Corporate Documents and Derivative Warrants & Debt Securities Issuer Documents 1998 on Compact Disks

    Date 21/06/1999

    The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited released today (Monday) two new CD products containing listed issuer corporate documents. Hong Kong Listed Companies Corporate Documents 1998 (Excluding Interim & Annual Reports) contains black and white images in English and Chinese of corporate documents published during 1998 by Hong Kong listed companies. Corporate documents include prospectuses, shareholder circulars, proposals for corporate action -- takeovers, reorganisations, disposals of assets, s

  • German Energy Exchange will be European

    Date 21/06/1999

    The German Energy Exchange initiative is already gaining a European dimension in the project phase: The German energy sector, which decided in favour of having this new energy exchange set up by Deutsche Börse, Eurex and NYMEX on June 10, has now been joined by the Swiss utilities in supporting the project. Atel (Aare-Tessin AG for electricity, Olten); BKW (BKW FMB Energie AG, Bern); CKW (Centralschweizerische Kraftwerke AG, Lucerne); EGL (Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft Laufenburg AG, Laufenburg); E

  • From July 1, primary trade participants start concluding trades with settlements in rubles only by means of the RTS Electronic Agreement Centre under the condition of DVP

    Date 21/06/1999

    On May 28, 1999 at the Board of Directors of the Non-Profit Partnership "RTS Trading System" it was decided that starting from July 1, 1999 the RTS primary trade participants shall conclude trades between each other with further settlement in RF rubles only by means of the Electronic Agreement Centre (EAC). The settlements for these trades shall be carried out only on the condition of delivery versus payment (DVP) with post-deposit. Therewith, from August 1, 1999 all RTS Participants shall concl

  • E-Mini Nasdaq Futures Volume On CME Totals 2,136 On Opening Day

    Date 21/06/1999

    Trading volume in E-mini Nasdaq 100 Index® futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) totaled 2,136 contracts on its first day. "We are highly encouraged by opening day volume in E-mini Nasdaq 100 futures," CME Chairman Scott Gordon said. "We are confident that as customers become more and more familiar with the convenience and cost-effectiveness of this contract, volume will grow accordingly." E-mini Nasdaq 100 futures contracts trade electronically on the Merc's GLOBEX®2 system virtuall

  • Dr. Geoffrey Yeh Re-elected Chairman of the HKFE

    Date 21/06/1999

    The Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) announced on June 17 that Dr. Geoffrey Yeh Meou Tsen was re-elected Chairman of the Exchange at a Board of Directors meeting following its Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Board also re-elected Vice Chairmen Dr. Bill Kwok Chi Piu and John Wadsworth, Jr.; and it re-elected Frank Wong Kwong Shing and Anthony Yuen Kwan Tao as Independent Directors. At the AGM, Member Directors Henry Cheong Ying Chew and Gao Xiqing were re-elected and Gary Cheung Wai Kwok was e

  • Colombo Stock Exchange Market Summary For The Month Of May

    Date 21/06/1999

    Although price levels fluctuated within narrow margins the market was relatively active with 78.2 Mn shares being traded. This compares favourably with 16.2 Mn shares traded last month. The average daily turnover for the month was Rs. 94.9 Mn, which is a 226% improvement from that of April. A turnover of Rs. 747.9 Mn was recorded on 21st May 1999 due to a large transaction of CTC Eagle Insurance Ltd. This was the highest turnover for a day since 22nd February 1994. The ASPI closed the month at 5