FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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Corporate Governance In Switzerland - Consultative Inquiry On New Recommendations And Rules
Date 28/09/2001
Corporate governance has become a major issue of late. Many countries have drawn up specific rules and regulations. economiesuisse (the Swiss Business Federation) and the SWX Swiss Exchange are today submitting for consultation draft recommendations and rules for corporate governance, comprising a recommended Code of Conduct and a Directive on additional disclosure requirements for listed companies.
CME Lowers Access Fees For GLOBEX®2 Network Connections, Offers Additional Connectivity Options For European Customers
Date 28/09/2001
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) will lower monthly access fees for direct network connections to its GLOBEX®2 electronic trading system, effective Oct. 1, 2001. CME will also offer additional higher-bandwidth connections to its customers based in Europe.
CME Announces Regular Quarterly Revision Of Price Limits For Equity Index Products Effective On Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001
Date 28/09/2001
Regular quarterly revision of price limits for equity index futures and options traded on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) become effective with the start of trading Sunday, Sept. 30, 2001, at 5:30 p.m. (Chicago time).
CFTC Requests Records Search by Futures-Related Entities Following Attacks On The World Trade Center And The Pentagon
Date 28/09/2001
On September 23, 2001, President Bush signed an executive order on terrorist financing entitled "Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions With Persons Who Commit, Threaten to Commit, or Support Terrorism." This executive order freezes the U.S. assets of, and blocks U.S. transactions with, 27 individuals and organizations. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) also has published a list of people who are under investigation in connection with the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
CBOT To Launch Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Index Futures
Date 28/09/2001
The Chicago Board of Trade announced it will launch its newest product, futures on the DowSMJones-AIG Commodity IndexSM (DJ-AIGCI) on November 16, 2001. The CBOT®DJ-AIGCI futures contract will trade exclusively on the CBOT®'s electronic trading platform.
CBOT Fed Watch For September 28
Date 28/09/2001
Based upon the September 28th market close in the October 2001 expiration, the Chicago Board of Trade 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract is currently pricing in a 100 percent probability that the Federal Open Market Committee will lower the federal funds target rate by at least 25 basis points from three percent to 2-3/4 percent at the FOMC meeting on October 2.
ASX Investments Report - Towers Perrin
Date 28/09/2001
Attached is an investment sector performance prepared for the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) by the leading actuarial and assetlinvestment management consultants Towers Perrin.
1 October 2001 Initiation Of Free-Float-Based Index Calculation On The SWX Swiss Exchange
Date 28/09/2001
Based on individual replies from market participants and the companies involved, the SWX Swiss Exchange has subjected the free-float list to another point-by-point examination. This has resulted in an adjustment to the free-float readings for the following issues (ISIN , Name , Free Float:)
Program Trading Averaged 30.4 Percent Of NYSE Volume During Sept. 10-Sept. 14, 2001
Date 27/09/2001
The New York Stock Exchange today released its weekly program-trading data submitted by its member firms. The report includes trading in all markets as reported to the NYSE for Sept. 10-14, 2001. Monday, September 10, was the only trading day for the week.
OM And Morgan Stanley To Restructure Jiway
Date 27/09/2001
Referring to the joint press release issued today by Jiway, OM and Morgan Stanley regarding a restructuring of Jiway, this release contains further information about the agreement and its consequences for OM.
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