FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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CBOT Fed Watch
Date 03/12/2001
In advance of next week's Federal Open Market Committee meeting on Tuesday, December 11, the CBOT® will be reporting daily rate change probabilities in the FOMC's federal funds target rate, as indicated by the Chicago Board of Trade's 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract. The CBOT® 30-Day Federal Funds futures contract is a key benchmark interest rate barometer that reflects the overnight effective rate for excess reserves that are traded among commercial banks in the federal funds market.
CBOE® Index Volume Up 55%
Date 03/12/2001
Strong index volume continued in November at the Chicago Board Options Exchange® (CBOE) as investors sought broad market protection. Total index option volume at CBOE increased by 55% to 6,235,093 contracts from 4,016,338 contracts in November 2000. Open interest in all CBOE index options stood at 10,866,481 contracts (5,348,929 calls and 5,517,552 puts) at the end of November, an increase of 143% versus November 2000 when open interest stood at 4,464,041 contracts.
Botswana Stock Exchange Market Commentary
Date 03/12/2001
The recent bull run in the market subsided a bit with the market virtually flat for the week. Only three counters moved in price.
Botswana Stock Exchange Company News
Date 03/12/2001
Chobe has released poor results for the six months to 31st August 2001. While turnover rose 13% over the same period last year to P16.1m, cost of revenue went up 49.5% to P9.5m. Operating expenditure increased 90% to P6.2m. The net result was a loss P1.1m compared with earnings of P2.2m in the previous year.
American Financial Holdings, Inc. to Join Nasdaq Financial-100 Index Beginning December 5, 2001
Date 03/12/2001
American Financial Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq:AMFH) of New Britain, Connecticut, will become a component of the Nasdaq Financial-100 Index® effective at the beginning of trading Wednesday, December 5, 2001. American Financial Holdings, Inc. will replace W Holding Company, Inc. (Nasdaq:WBPR), which is de-listing from The Nasdaq Stock MarketSM.
Standard & Poor's - Index Change - TSE 300 Composite, TSE 300 Capped, S&P/TSE Canadian MidCap And TSE 100 indices.
Date 30/11/2001
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces that effective after the close of business on Monday, December 3rd, 2001, the following changes will take place in the TSE 300 Composite, TSE 300 Capped, S&P/TSE Canadian MidCap and TSE 100 indices.
NYMEX: Exchange Sets A Record In Natural Gas Options Trading
Date 30/11/2001
A record 79,701 natural gas options contracts were traded on the New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., yesterday, surpassing the previous record of 62,561 natural gas options contracts traded on May 24, 2000.
Nymex To Adjust Natural Gas Margins
Date 30/11/2001
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it would establish varying margins for its natural gas futures contracts as of the close of business on Monday.
NYBOT:Notice Regarding EFPS & EFS Transactions. Revised to Reflect Trading Hours as of 11/12/2001
Date 30/11/2001
Pursuant to his authority to take action to address a physical emergency, the President has declared that, in light of the abbreviated trading sessions for NYBOT products, EFPs and EFS transations can be executed during the normal trading hours that had existed for each product prior to destruction of the World Trade Center, in addition to the trading hours for the specific product established for Long Island City trading.
NYBOT: Letter From The President: 11/30/01
Date 30/11/2001
I wanted to take this opportunity to update members, staff, and our customers on a number of developments.
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