FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Coffee Options Contract Sets New Daily Record at NYBOT
Date 17/10/2002
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today a new daily volume record in coffee options of 22,177 contracts, established on Tuesday, October 15, 2002. The previous record was 19,308 contracts set on October 13, 1999.
CBOT Trading Schedule for the Veterans Day Holiday
Date 17/10/2002
The Chicago Board of Trade has established the following trading schedule in connection with the Veterans Day holiday: Friday, November 8: Open auction: Financial* contracts close at 12:00 noon. All other open auction contracts (Agricultural and Stock Index) close at their normal times.Electronic a/c/eSM trading: Financial and Metals contracts close at 12:30 p.m. All other a/c/e trading closes at normal times.
Borsa Italiana Spa: Trading Volumes Recover In September New Historic Highs For EuroMOT And miniFIB Contracts
Date 17/10/2002
During September, the equity market was characterised by a recovery of trading volumes reaching levels similar to those of the preceding month of August. The increase in the trading of Eurobonds brought EuroMOT contracts to new historic highs. On September 19, the miniFIB broke its previous record for the number of contracts in a single session.
Standard And Poor's Affirm High Level Of Corporate Governance At HKEx
Date 16/10/2002
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) welcomes the overall corporate governance score of 8.3 out of a possible 10, affirmed by Standard and Poor's which said a score of 8 reflected strong corporate government processes and practices.
Securities And Exchange Commission: Rules Mandating Edgar Filing for Foreign Issuers Will Become Effective
Date 16/10/2002
The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission today reminded foreign issuers, their advisers and other interested persons that the rule amendments mandating EDGAR filing for foreign issuers will become effective Nov. 4, 2002. EDGAR is the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System. The new rules require foreign private issuers and foreign governments to file most of their Securities Act and Exchange Act documents on EDGAR. A complete discussion of these rule amendments,
SEC Proposes Additional Disclosures, Prohibitions To Implement Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Date 16/10/2002
The Securities and Exchange Commission voted today to propose rules implementing provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. The proposed rules concerning Sections 404, 406 and 407 of the Act would require public companies to disclose information about internal control reports, company codes of ethics and audit committee financial experts. Proposed rule changes dealing with provisions of Section 303 would prohibit actions designed to improperly influence auditors. The Commission also took actions rela
Oslo Børs Enters Into A New Contract To Sell Market Surveillance Functionality
Date 16/10/2002
Oslo Børs has signed a new contract with the companies SMARTS and Computershare to sell alerts and other market surveillance functionality. The new contract supplements the continuing agreement that facilitates collaboration on market surveillance within NOREX. The new contract recognises the commitment Oslo Børs has made to market surveillance over recent years.
NYBOT Issues Reminder For Additional New January 2003 Sugar No. 11 Serial Option
Date 16/10/2002
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today that at the direction of the Board of Managers of the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, Inc., a new January 2003 Sugar No. 11 serial option contract will be listed for trading on October 18, 2002. The new January 2003 Sugar No. 11 option contract (the "Jan/March contract") will have the March 2003 Sugar No. 11 futures contract as its underlying future, and will trade with a new commodity code of "SN".
New Zealand Stock Exchange Announces Successful Demutualisation Vote
Date 16/10/2002
The Members of the New Zealand Stock Exchange voted today in favour for demutualisation of the NZSE.
New Margin Requirements For NYBOT's Coffee Contract
Date 16/10/2002
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today that effective with the opening of business on Friday, October 18, 2002, the Coffee "C" margin requirements are as follows:
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