FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Copenhagen Stock Exchange Focus 31: The Treatment Of Goodwill In The New Danish Company Account Act From The Investor's Point Of View
Date 23/10/2002
In many companies group goodwill is a significant asset and the value calculation hereof will inevitably come to influence the accounts and the users significantly.
Committee Of European Securities Regulators Consultation On Principles Of Enforcement Of Accounting Standards In Europe
Date 23/10/2002
CESR yesterday released a consultation paper which contains a Statement of Principles (SOP) covering definition and methods of enforcement of accounting standards (Ref. CESR/02-188b). The SOP will be used for developing standards of best practice on enforcement among CESR members. The paper puts forward the way in which the harmonisation of the institutional oversight systems may be achieved in Europe. In particular, it provides a definition of enforcement of finan
CFTC'S Division Of Enforcement Creates Office Of Cooperative Enforcement - Daniel Nathan Heads New Office Whose Mission Is To Strengthen Ties To Other Regulators And Enhance Federal And State Commodities Prosecutions
Date 23/10/2002
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission's (CFTC) Division of Enforcement today announced that it has created an Office of Cooperative Enforcement and named Daniel Nathan as the head of that office. The Division has charged the new Office with the task of reaching out to financial regulators on the federal and state level, to ensure that they are coordinating investigations and prosecutions of commodities violators, and to ensure that the government addresses misconduct whenever appropria
UK's Financial Services Authority Puts Forward Options For Improving Transparency In Short Selling
Date 22/10/2002
The FSA yesterday published a discussion paper seeking views on possible options for increased disclosure of short selling and exploring whether improvements to the settlement regime are necessary.
Standard & Poor's Announces Changes In S&P/TSX Canadian Income Trust Index
Date 22/10/2002
Standard & Poor's Canadian Index Operations announces the following index change effective after the close of business on Wednesday, October 23, 2002: The relative weight of Atlas Cold Storage Income Trust (TSX: FZR.UN) will increase by approximately 0.37% in the S&P/TSX Canadian Income Trust Index. The relative weight change reflects an adjustment to the float trust units of the income trust due to issuance of new units.
Singapore Exchange: Migration Of CLOB Malaysian Securities
Date 22/10/2002
Investors with Clob Malaysian ("Clob") securities in CDP's nominee account with the Malaysian Central Depository ("MCD") will soon receive a Form of Authorisation to transfer their Clob securities to their own Central Depository System ("CDS") account with MCD. The transfer will be staggered over 9 months, from 31 Dec 2002 to 29 Sep 2003. An administrative fee is payable to Malaysia's Securities Clearing Automated Network Services ("SCANS") for effecting the transfer.
Radianz Selected By Boston Stock Exchange To Provide IP Network - RadianzNet Links BSE's Beacon Trading System To Global Financial Community
Date 22/10/2002
Radianz today announced an agreement with the Boston Stock Exchange (BSE) to provide Internet Protocol (IP) network connectivity to BEACON, the BSE's fully integrated communications, order-routing and trading system. Radianz's global financial extranet, RadianzNet, will enable the BSE to link an extended network of financial institutions worldwide.
Nymex Tops The $1 Billion Mark In Over-The-Counter Clearing Activity
Date 22/10/2002
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it has cleared more than $1.1 billion worth of over-the-counter (OTC) deals in natural gas and electricity, equivalent to 294 trillion British thermal units of natural gas and 118,400 megawatt hours of electricity.
London Stock Exchange Implements Teradata Active Data Warehouse To Provide Real-Time Market Intelligence Services And Exploit Historical Data
Date 22/10/2002
Teradata, a division of NCR Corporation (NYSE: NCR), today announced that London Stock Exchange plc will deploy a Teradata real-time data warehouse as part of its plans to increase the depth and speed of the financial market intelligence services it delivers. The Teradata solution will be implemented for the exchange by Accenture, the exchange's system integration partner.
Labuan Offshore Financial Services Authority: Offshore Financial Centres To Continue To Enhance Competitiveness
Date 22/10/2002
Offshore financial centres are urged to continue to enhance competitiveness in managing present challenges facing the industry.
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