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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CBOT's January Volume At 28,419,092 - Up 24.4% From January 2002

    Date 04/02/2003

    The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOTÒ) today announced trading volume of 28,419,092 contracts for January 2003, up 24.4% from January 2002 and up 23.2% from December 2002.

  • CBOT® Nominating Committee Announces Slate For 2003 Election

    Date 04/02/2003

    The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) today announced that the exchange's Nominating Committee has slated nine candidates to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors, as Directors, and as members of the Nominating Committee. The CBOT annual election is scheduled for March 12, 2003.

  • BrokerTec Futures Exchange Reduces Minimum Tick Size On Five-Year U.S. Treasury Note Contract Change To Create Tighter Spreads, More Efficient Market

    Date 04/02/2003

    In a move that will create an even tighter, more liquid and competitive marketplace, BrokerTec Futures Exchange (BTEX), the nation's only fully-electronic fixed income futures exchange, announced today that a decrease in the minimum tick size on the five-year Treasury note contract will be implemented as of Friday, February 14, 2003. At that time, the minimum tick size will be lowered from 1/2 of 1/32nd of a point (or US$ 15.625 rounded up to the nearest 1 cent per contract) to 1/4 of 1/32nd

  • UK's Financial Services Authority To Decide On The Future Of Professional Indemnity Insurance

    Date 03/02/2003

    The FSA has today published a consultation paper CP169: Professional Indemnity Insurance for personal investment firms- aimed at formalising the short-term modification made to its rules in November 2002. The modification was made in response to difficulties being experienced by some IFAs in obtaining compliant cover and was designed to increase availability in the PII market for this sector. In determining what changes could be made to pol

  • UK's Financial Services Authority Required: Minimum Margin: Letter To CEOs Of Life Insurance Firms

    Date 03/02/2003

    The FSA has sent this letter to all the CEOs of life insurance companies. Dear Chief Executive The FSA made it clear earlier this week that it was monitoring closely the position of the life insurance industry in the light of recent sharp falls in equity prices. Since then markets have stabilised a little but the uncertain outlook suggests that prices may remain volatile throughout the world.