Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Nymex Revises Date Of e-miNY Futures Contracts Migration

    Date 14/07/2005

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced that it will postpone the migration of its NYMEX miNYsm crude oil and natural gas futures contracts to NYMEX ClearPort® from the CME® Globex® electronic trading platform to August 22.

  • NYBOT Announces New Margin Requirements

    Date 14/07/2005

    The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today that effective with the opening of business on Friday, July 15, 2005, the margin requirements are as detailed by clicking Click here.

  • New Non-Price Indices From FTSE Group And GWA

    Date 14/07/2005

    FTSE Group (FTSE), the global index provider, and Global Wealth Allocation Limited (GWA), the global research and financial advisory firm, announced today that they are working together to create seven new ‘non-price’ strategy indices for the global equity market. The new indices will cover all stocks in the FTSE All-Share Index and the FTSE All-World Developed Index. They will be available in the autumn.

  • KOSPI 200 Option’s Market Reaches Maturity - Market Integrity Has Greatly Improved

    Date 14/07/2005

    Since the listing on July 7, 1997, the trading volume of KOSPI 200 Options continued to increase before the trend turned around and began to decline in 2003. This downward trend continued in 2005, indicating that the market has reached a stage of maturity The KOSPI 200 Options market has experienced phenomenal growth since its opening and has remained No. 1 in the world as a single contract in terms of trading volume, with a 28% share of the global derivatives trading volume.

  • Financial Services: European Commission Proposes Improvements To The European Market For Investment Funds

    Date 14/07/2005

    The European Commission has published a Green Paper on the enhancement of the EU framework for investment funds. The Paper invites consideration and comment on a range of proposals aimed at boosting the efficiency of the single market for investment funds. An efficient European investment fund market - where some €5 trillion of funds are currently under management - is of key importance in the context of enhancing investment and in contributing to better provisioning for old age. Sta