Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Boston Options Exchange Trading Volume Exceeds 600,000 Contracts, Setting A New Volume Record

    Date 19/10/2005

    BOX set a new single session trading volume record with 649,875 contracts, the first time trade volume has risen above 600,000 contracts in a single session. This record high volume marks the third time BOX has traded more than 500,000 contracts in one day and the second time BOX has done so in October. The previous record of 563,004 contracts was set on October 6, 2005.

  • Borsa Italiana: S&P/MIB Options/New Daily Record

    Date 19/10/2005

    The S&P/MIB index options today reached a new volume record of 32,744 contracts traded.

  • BaFin Did Not Ascertain Acting In Concert At Deutsche Börse

    Date 19/10/2005

    The fund companies around TCI (The Children´s Investment Fund Management (UK) LLP) did not coordinate their activities in a way that would have placed them under the legal obligation to submit a mandatory offer to the other shareholders of Deutsche Börse AG. This is the result of several months of investigations led by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht / BaFin).

  • ASIC And ASX Urge Directors To Notify Market Operators Of Shareholdings

    Date 19/10/2005

    The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX) today urged company directors to ensure they were complying with the requirement to notify their interests, or changes in their interests, to the market under the Listing Rules and the Corporations Act (the Act).

  • "Japan Street" At FIA Chicago Expo

    Date 19/10/2005

    Futures & Options 2005 is being held at the Chicago Hyatt Regency Hotel (151 E. Wacker Drive) from November 8 to 10. This event attracts over 4,500 people from more than 20 countries. Japanese broker companies and exchanges have been actively involved in the Expo and this year a total nine Japanese corporations including TOCOM will participate in the Expo constituting a “Japan Street”. The main event for the “Japan Street” is the stamp rally, and we will prepare wonderful gifts for the winners o