Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SGX Offers Global Depository Receipt Listing Facility

    Date 21/06/2006

    Singapore Exchange (SGX) is pleased to announce the offering of its Global Depository Receipt (GDR) listing facility. The listing of GDRs, which represent equity securities of corporations listed on other foreign stock exchanges, serves as an alternative avenue for international companies to access the Singapore capital market for global funds, broaden investor base and enhance their international profile.

  • SEC Adopts New Rules And Amendments For Fund Of Funds Investments And Disclosure

    Date 21/06/2006

    On June 20, 2006, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted three new rules and amendments to several forms under the Investment Company Act that address "fund of funds arrangements." The new rules will codify several exemptions from the Act that the Commission has issued over the years, and will provide greater transparency of expenses investors in these arrangements pay.

  • S&P Launches BRIC 40 Index; Provides Exposure To Brazil, Russia, India & China

    Date 21/06/2006

    Designed to provide exposure to 40 leading companies from the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China, Standard & Poor’s today launched the S&P BRIC 40 Index. The constituents of the index are large, well-traded, liquid companies currently trading on the following developed market exchanges: Hong Kong Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Nasdaq and NYSE.

  • Remarks by NASD Chairman And CEO, Robert Glauber At The Harvard Business School, Global Leadership Forum

    Date 21/06/2006

    Good afternoon and thank you, Jay, for the kind introduction. Jay and I served on the HBS faculty together longer ago than either of us cares to admit. Jay stayed at HBS and rose to the top. He will be a great leader of the School. I moved on but have a wealth of fond memories from those days. That is one of the reasons that I so look forward to going back to Harvard after my tenure at NASD ends later this year. As some of you may know, I'll be teaching at the Law School this time around.

  • NYMEX Energy Contracts, NYMEX miNY™ Crude Oil Futures Set Daily Volume Records on CME Globex®

    Date 21/06/2006

    The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. announced daily volume records for energy futures contracts and NYMEX miNY™ crude oil futures contracts that are traded electronically on CME Globex today.