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News Centre

  • Remarks By European Commission President Barroso On The Recent Political Developments In Greece

    Date 17/06/2011

    President Barroso made the following remarks on today's political developments in Greece in response to a question during his press point with the President of Croatia:

    "I hope the new government can be approved rapidly, so that the process for continuation of financial assistance to Greece may continue smoothly. I call on all political forces to put all their energy into securing broad political support for the economic reform that Greece needs – reform for the benefit of the people and for the benefit of Greece."

  • Preparation Of Eurogroup And Economic And Finance Ministers Council, 19 And 20 June 2011

    Date 17/06/2011

    EUROGROUP 19-20 June

    The Eurogroup meeting will start on Sunday 19 June at 19h00. The European Commission will be represented by Economic and Monetary Affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn. The meeting will resume on Monday 20 June at 8.30.

  • CBOE Volatility Index (Vix) Futures Single-Day Volume Exceeds 100,000 Contracts For First Time

    Date 17/06/2011

    CBOE Futures Exchange (CFE) announced yesterday that trading volume in futures based on the CBOE Volatility Index® (VIX®) established a new single-day record of 101,200 contracts on Thursday.

  • Morose May For Hedge Funds - Latest Performance Update Of The EDHEC-Risk Alternative Indexes.

    Date 17/06/2011

    Click here to download the latest performance update of the EDHEC-Risk Alternative Indexes.

  • IMF Global Financial Stability Report, GFSR Market Update - June 2011

    Date 17/06/2011

    Since the publication of the April 2011 Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR), financial risks have risen for three reasons. First, while a multi-speed global recovery remains the base case, downside risks to this baseline have increased. Second, concern about debt sustainability and support for adjustment efforts in Europe’s periphery is leading to market pressures and worries about potential contagion. Political risks are also raising questions about medium term fiscal adjustment in a few advanced countries, notably, the United States and Japan. Third, notwithstanding some recent pullback in risk appetite, the prolonged period of low interest rates may push investors into riskier assets in a “search for yield.” This trend has the potential to build financial imbalances for the future, particularly in some emerging markets. Against these tensions, deep-seated challenges remain. Although there has been progress, improvements in financial system robustness have been insufficient so far. Markets may lose patience and become disorderly if political developments derail momentum on fiscal consolidation and financial repair and reform. Given these risks, policymakers need to accelerate actions to address long-standing financial vulnerabilities as outlined in the GFSR, before the window of opportunity to do so closes.