The market on Euronext Paris where securities of the largest French issuers (public or private) are traded.
Cabinet trade
A trade that allows options traders to liquidate deep out-of-the-money options by trading the option at a price equal to one-half tick.
A term used in the foreign-exchange market for the US dollar/British pound rate.
Calendar spread
Buying (selling) the calendar spread involves the simultaneous purchase (sale) of contract(s) in a near delivery month and the sale (purchase) of an equal number of contract(s) in a far delivery month of the same futures contract.
A period of trading.
Call option
A call option confers the right but not the obligation to buy stock, shares or futures at a specified price within a predetermined time period. The buyer (taker) pays the seller (grantor) a premium for this.
An agreement with a counterparty that sets an upper limit to interest rates for the cap buyer for a stated time period.
Cap and Trade
The basis of the carbon trading mechanism. When an authority sets a limit or cap on something (i.e.carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions) and allows those who exceed the limit to buy "credits" from those who have credits to spare.