FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Nasdaq To Hold First Quarter 2025 Investor Conference Call
Date 24/03/2025
Nasdaq (Nasdaq: NDAQ) has scheduled its first quarter 2025 financial results announcement.
Montréal Exchange President And CEO Luc Fortin To Present At The 23rd Annual National Bank Financial Services Conference
Date 24/03/2025
Luc Fortin, President and CEO, Montréal Exchange, and Global Head of Trading, TMX Group, will present at the 23rd annual National Bank Financial Services Conference on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 2:30 – 2:55 p.m. ET.
CFTC Swaps Report Update
Date 24/03/2025
CFTC's Weekly Swaps Report has been updated, and is now available: http://www.cftc.gov/MarketReports/SwapsReports/index.htm.
Helping Small Businesses Reach Their Potential, Federal Reserve Governor Michael S. Barr, At The Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C.
Date 24/03/2025
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.1 The United States has an enviable entrepreneurial culture and a strong track record of building new companies. Yet, new and small business owners often navigate significant challenges from establishment to growth. These challenges typically include limitations in accessing capital, in developing robust business and professional networks for peer support and opportunities, and in building the comprehensive skills, resources, and social connections that contribute greatly to business resiliency and sustainability. Women and minority entrepreneurs may face even greater obstacles. While business formation is, of course, primarily a matter for the private sector, public policy can and should encourage increased rates of entrepreneurship and business formation—and the capital, networks, and skills essential for success for all business owners.
Changes To The Expanded Opening And Intra-Day Quote Width Requirements And Order Monitor Settings For Certain Symbols Trading On MIAX Options And MIAX Emerald Options Beginning Tuesday, April 1, 2025, Through Monday, June 30, 2025
Date 24/03/2025
MIAX Options and MIAX Emerald Options will change the maximum valid bid/ask differentials for certain symbols traded on the Exchanges. The changes to the extended quote width requirements will begin on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, and remain in effect through Monday, June 1, 2025, unless withdrawn by the Exchanges before that time.
US Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency Reports Mortgage Performance For Fourth Quarter Of 2024
Date 24/03/2025
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) reported on the performance of first-lien mortgages in the federal banking system during the fourth quarter of 2024.
ISDA derivatiViews: Setting Out The Value Proposition Of Derivatives
Date 24/03/2025
History enthusiasts may have heard of the Code of Hammurabi, an early legal text from ancient Mesopotamia, carved into a stone slab about 3,700 years ago. The code covers everything from property rights to divorce, but it also recognizes the risk and uncertainty that can exist in economic exchanges and sets out a mechanism for that risk to be transferred and shared. It shows that risk mitigation techniques have been around since the dawn of recorded civilization. Whenever trade has occurred between groups of people, tools have existed to allow them to alleviate uncertainty, transfer risk and enhance profitability. Those tools have evolved significantly over the centuries, but the basic concepts remain unchanged – and they continue to be applied by companies and governments around the world for one simple reason: they are valuable.
Finansinspektionen - Legal Position: Rule Interpretation For Deposits Via Digital Platforms
Date 24/03/2025
An increasing number of banks and other credit institutions are offering savings via digital deposit platforms. This makes them more vulnerable since the deposits volume could decrease rapidly. FI notes in a report that some of the institutions do not sufficiently consider these risks, in part when calculating the liquidity buffer required for such deposits. A legal position specifies how we will interpret the rules.
The EBA Updates Methodology On The Regulatory And Supervisory Equivalence Of Non-EU Countries
Date 24/03/2025
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published its updated methodology for the assessment of regulatory and supervisory frameworks of non-EU countries. The changes reflect the amendments to the revised Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and Capital Requirements Directive (CRD).
Growth: What Does It Take In Today’s World? - Lecture By Andrew Bailey, Governor, Bank Of England, Given At The Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecture Series, The University Of Leicester
Date 24/03/2025
Andrew’s speech looks at economic growth and asks what it takes to increase the rate of growth in the economy. In answering that question, Andrew covers both the current situation in the UK and abroad, and economic history.