FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
SEC Charges Three New Yorkers For Raising More Than $184 Million Through Pre-IPO Fraud Schemes - After Commission Shut Down Original Ploy, Defendants Started Another One
Date 07/06/2024
The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged three individuals with fraud for selling unregistered membership interests in LLCs that purported to invest in shares of pre-IPO companies, first on behalf of StraightPath Venture Partners LLC, the subject of the Commission’s emergency action in May 2022, and, later, on behalf of Legend Venture Partners LLC, the subject of the Commission’s emergency action in June 2023. Both StraightPath and Legend are now under court-ordered receiverships.
The European Association Of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH) Elects The EACH Co-Chairs, New Board And Agrees The Strategy At Its 2024 AGM
Date 07/06/2024
At the EACH Annual General Meeting held in Frankfurt on Friday 07 June 2024, EACH Members voted to renew the mandate of the EACH Co-chairs Julien Jardelot, Niels Brab and Tim Grange, elected the new Board for a two-year term until the EACH General Assembly of 2026 and agreed to the EACH Strategy 2024 – 2026.
A New Class Of Trailblazers, Federal Reserve Governor Lisa D. Cook, At The Girls Global Academy 2024 Commencement Ceremony, Washington, D.C.
Date 07/06/2024
Thank you, Dr. O'Neal. It is an honor to be here to celebrate with you—the Girls Global Academy's first-ever graduating class. This is a momentous achievement and occasion. You are making history today! But, of course, you could not have done it alone. So let me start by acknowledging the teachers; administrators, staff, and board members of the Girls Global Academy; and the parents, grandparents, siblings, mentors, and friends who made today possible. Thank you and congratulations on a job well done.
NGX Launches New USSD To Enhance Capital Market Access
Date 07/06/2024
Nigerian Exchange (NGX) Limited has urged investors to leverage on its new USSD platform for enhanced capital market access.
Nigerian Exchange Weekly Market Report For Week Ended June 7th, 2024
Date 07/06/2024
A total turnover of 1.703 billion shares worth N30.495 billion in 37,765 deals was traded this week by investors on the floor of the Exchange, in contrast to a total of 2.189 billion shares valued at N31.303 billion that exchanged hands last week in 39,362 deals.
ESAs Publish Joint Annual Report For 2023
Date 07/06/2024
The Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA and ESMA - ESAs) today published its 2023 Annual Report, providing an account of the joint work completed over the past year.
EBA Issues Opinion To The Norwegian Ministry Of Finance On A Measure Adjusting The Risk Weight For Commercial Immovable Property
Date 07/06/2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published an Opinion following notification by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance of its intention to amend the risk weights for exposures secured by mortgages on commercial immovable property. The measure aims to limit risks associated with commercial immovable property. Based on the information provided, the EBA does not object to the risk weight adjustment.
EACH, ECSDA & FESE Joint High-Level Principles On DORA Implementation
Date 07/06/2024
The European Association of CCP Clearing Houses (EACH), the European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA), and the Federation of European Securities Exchanges (FESE) fully support the objective of the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) to deliver clear, resilient, and proportionate ICT cybersecurity rules. Following the recent European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESAs) consultations on policy mandates under DORA, the associations would like to share their Joint High-Level Principles to contribute to ongoing discussions on DORA implementation.
IOSCO: Monitoring Group Invites Applicants Interested In Joining The Public Interest Oversight Board
Date 07/06/2024
The Monitoring Group (MG) is responsible for the overall governance of the international audit, assurance, ethics and independence standard-setting system, including periodic effectiveness reviews. In July 2020, the MG issued its recommendations Strengthening the International Audit and Ethics Standard-Setting System (MG Recommendations or MG Reforms). The objectives of the MG Recommendations are the implementation of a more independent and inclusive multi-stakeholder standard-setting system that is more responsive to the public interest and an accelerated pace of change in the development of timely, high-quality audit, assurance, ethics, and independence standards.
Exosens Lists On Euronext Paris And Joins The Euronext Tech Leaders Segment
Date 07/06/2024
Global Offering of €350 million, which could increase to €402.5 million with the full exercise of the over-allotment option
€180 million raised through a capital increase
Market capitalisation of approximately €1.016 billion
18th listing on Euronext in 2024