Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Bank Of England - Asset Purchase Facility: Gilt Sales – Market Notice 21 June 2024

    Date 21/06/2024

    This Market Notice sets out the schedule for sales in Q3 2024 of gilts held in the Asset Purchase Facility (APF) for monetary policy purposes.

  • ESMA Appoints New Members Of Its Securities And Markets Stakeholder Group

    Date 21/06/2024

    The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, has appointed new members of its Securities and Markets Stakeholder Group (SMSG). On 1 July 2024 the new members will start their four-year term, during which they will provide ESMA with advice on its policy work and will be consulted on technical standards and guidelines. 

  • World Whistleblower Day: Canadian Securities Regulators Recognize Whistleblower Contributions To Fair And Efficient Markets 

    Date 21/06/2024

    Today the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC), the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF), the B.C. Securities Commission (BCSC) and the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) are acknowledging World Whistleblower Day, June 23, which is an occasion to commend whistleblowers who take action to expose misconduct, illegal practices and unethical behaviours. Collectively, we recognize the valuable public service that whistleblowers provide when they share information about securities misconduct within a company that would otherwise be difficult to detect.

  • ARTEX And Euroclear Collaborate To Offer Art Via Equity Shares

    Date 21/06/2024

    ARTEX Global Markets, innovator in the art investment space, has collaborated with financial market infrastructure provider Euroclear to make art public via equity shares.

  • ICE First Look: Mortgage Performance Remains Strong As Delinquencies, Foreclosures Continue To Improve In May

    Date 21/06/2024

    • The national delinquency rate fell 6 basis points (bps) year over year to 3.04% in May; still the second lowest point on record, behind 2.92% in March 2023
    • A fifth consecutive monthly improvement in serious delinquencies (those loans 90+ days past due, but not yet in active foreclosure) reset what had already been a more than 18-year low
    • The number of mortgage-holders who’ve missed a single payment dropped by -19K, while 60-day delinquencies edged up slightly (+4K) from April
    • While inflow of borrowers newly 30 days late dropped to a one-year low, those rolling to later stages of delinquency edged higher from April and fewer delinquent loans cured to current status
    • Foreclosure starts were down -6.5% from April, keeping active foreclosure inventory at the lowest level since pandemic-era moratoria were lifted in January 2022
    • The total number of mortgage-holders currently in active foreclosure remains 32% below (-92K) pre-pandemic levels
    • Though up slightly for the month, foreclosure sales (completions) in May were down -7.2% year over year and remain well below pre-pandemic norms
    • A seasonal rise in home sales and slightly improved refi volumes pushed prepayments to their highest level since September 2022, even as rate-related headwinds persist