FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
ESMA Publishes 2023 Data On Cross-Border Investment Activity Of Firms
Date 15/07/2024
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, together with the National Competent Authorities (NCAs), completed an analysis of the cross-border provision of investment services during 2023.
UK Payments Systems Regulator And UK Financial Conduct Authority Launch Joint Call For Information On Big Tech And Digital Wallets
Date 15/07/2024
The Payments Systems Regulator (PSR) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are seeking views on the benefits and risks digital wallets bring to people and businesses.
EBA Reflects On EU Stacking Orders And Provides Insight Into EU Institutions’ Management Buffers
Date 15/07/2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published a Report on the stacking orders of capital, leverage and MREL/TLAC requirements and related capital buffers, as well as on reflections about management buffers practices in the European Union (EU). The Report describes the role of regulatory stacks, both going and gone concern, with a focus on micro-prudential elements. It also summarises the differences between the EU, the UK and US frameworks. The Report highlights institutions’ practices on management buffers. Further work of the EBA will include efforts to continue to clarify, where necessary, the interaction between the different stacks.
Virtu Petition For Rulemaking On Exchange Listings Of Penny Stocks
Date 15/07/2024
Virtu Financial, Inc. (“Virtu”) respectfully petitions the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “Commission”) under Rule 192 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice2 to initiate rulemaking proceedings that would prohibit National Securities Exchanges from listing high risk “penny stocks” and mandate additional disclosures from issuers that would facilitate investors’ ability to assess the risks typically inherent in such stocks.
DTCC Survey Identifies Significant Improvements In Industry Understanding And Preparedness Around Expanded U.S. Treasury Clearing
Date 15/07/2024
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry, today issued a white paper, “The U.S. Treasury Clearing Mandate: An Industry Pulse Check,” to further enhance the industry’s knowledge of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission’s (SEC) expanded clearing rules. The paper, which reports on findings from a recent industry survey conducted by DTCC’s Fixed Income Clearing Corporation (FICC) subsidiary, provides updated estimates on the volume of transactions required to be submitted for central clearing, the planned usage of FICC’s various access models, and how margin and liquidity risk management resources may be impacted.
ICE Gasoil Futures And Options At Record Open Interest With Record Q2 Trading Volumes In Gasoil Options - Performance Demonstrates Strength Of The Global Benchmark Post The EU’s Ban On Russian Diesel
Date 15/07/2024
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, today announced that its Low Sulphur Gasoil markets hit a series of open interest records through June 2024, reaching a high of 1.2 million across futures and options on July 1, 2024, equivalent to 120 million metric tons.
ACER Calls For Improvements In ENTSOG’s Guidance Documents For The TYNDP 2024
Date 15/07/2024
ACER publishes today its feedback on ENTSOG’s “Implementation Guidelines and other complementary guidance documents” for the Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2024. ACER welcomes the publication of these guidance documents for the first time, as recommended in ACER’s position paper on Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) consistency (March 2023), but calls for some further improvements.
Eurex: ESG Index Derivatives Development Update Q2/2024
Date 15/07/2024
The Eurex ESG Index Derivatives segment continued its strong development in Q2/2024, with a record high in June for the whole segment.
ETFGI Reports Assets Invested In The ETFs Industry In Europe Reached A Record Of US$2.04 Trillion At The End Of June
Date 15/07/2024
ETFGI, a leading independent research and consultancy firm covering trends in the global ETFs ecosystem, reported today reports that assets invested in the ETFs industry in Europe reached a record of US$2.04 trillion at the end of June. The industry gathered net inflows of US$21.51 billion during June, bringing year-to-date net inflows to US$103.93 billion, according to ETFGI's June 2024 European ETFs and ETPs industry landscape insights report, the monthly report which is part of an annual paid-for research subscription service. (All dollar values in USD unless otherwise noted.)
The Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Begins Publishing Live Trading Data For Unlisted Securities
Date 15/07/2024
The Chief Executive Officer of the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) Mazen Wathaifi, announced that, effective August 1st, 2024, the ASE will publish real-time trading data of the Unlisted Securities Market on a special page within the (ASELive), the Market Watch platform available on the ASE website for investors and interested parties. Through this platform, investors will be able to monitor real-time information, prices and trading activity of the Unlisted Securities.