FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Sterling Trading Tech Resources Its Successful Asia Initiative With Local Business Development And Client Service, Korea, Hong Kong, And Singapore Markets To Benefit From Industry Experts
Date 11/07/2024
Following on its two previous strategic announcements of launching Asia in 2024, today Sterling Trading Tech (Sterling), in response to local market demand, is building the initiative further by resourcing it with local business development experts.
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchange's Index Down 0.4 % In June, Down 2.9% In Second Quarter
Date 10/07/2024
Exchanges heavily reliant on cash equities have faced challenging times due to a shortage of listings and low valuations, prompting some firms to reassess their current listings. In contrast, exchanges with a diversified business model have weathered these conditions more successfully.
Federal Reserve Board Fines Citigroup $60.6 Million For Violating The Board’s 2020 Enforcement Action
Date 10/07/2024
The Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday fined Citigroup $60.6 million for violating the Board's 2020 enforcement action.
Nasdaq Announces End Of Month Open Short Interest Positions In Nasdaq Stocks As Of Settlement Date June 28, 2024
Date 10/07/2024
At the end of the settlement date of June 28, 2024, short interest in 3,052 Nasdaq Global MarketSM securities totaled 12,156,830,526 shares compared with 12,415,199,809 shares in 3,063 Global Market issues reported for the prior settlement date of June 14, 2024. The end of June short interest represent 3.37 days average daily Nasdaq Global Market share volume for the reporting period, compared with 3.44 days for the prior reporting period.
NYSE Group Consolidated Short Interest Report
Date 10/07/2024
NYSE today reported short interest as of the close of business on the settlement date of June 28, 2024.
Deutsche Börse: Unscheduled Component Change In SDAX
Date 10/07/2024
STOXX Ltd. has announced an unscheduled component change in the SDAX index.
US Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency Amends Enforcement Action Against Citibank, Assesses $75 Million Civil Money Penalty
Date 10/07/2024
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today issued an amendment to its October 7, 2020, Cease and Desist Order against Citibank, N.A, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, related to deficiencies in enterprise-wide risk management, compliance risk management, data governance, and internal controls (2020 Order).
Acting Comptroller Of The US Currency Discusses Importance of Addressing Financial Fraud
Date 10/07/2024
Acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael J. Hsu today discussed ways banks can assist their customers in avoiding fraud and scams in remarks during the Financial Literacy and Education Commission’s Public Meeting.
Opening Remarks, Federal Reserve Governor Michelle W. Bowman, At Fed Listens: Exploring Challenges Facing The Childcare Industry, Working Parents, And Employers, Chicago, Illinois
Date 10/07/2024
Thank you, Austan, for the warm welcome. It is really a pleasure to join you in Chicago for this year's Fed Listens event.1 When we started Fed Listens back in 2019, the initiative was part of a broad, comprehensive review of the decisionmaking framework we use to pursue our monetary policy goals of maximum employment and price stability. In the years that followed, we have met with people from across the country and from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences to learn about how the economy has been recovering from the COVID experience.
What’s Past Is Prologue: Enforcing The Federal Securities Laws In The Age Of Crypto, Gurbir S. Grewal, Director, SEC Division Of Enforcement
Date 10/07/2024
What follows is a speech I delivered at the William & Mary Business Law Review’s Third Annual Symposium entitled “Regulating Finance in a Changing Administrative State” on April 1, 2023. Since then, there have been many developments in the world of crypto asset securities, some of which I address in an epilogue to the speech, below.