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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • US Justice Department To Recover Nearly $85M In Additional Funds Linked To 1MDB Scheme - Latest Recovery In Largest Civil Forfeiture Ever Conducted By Department

    Date 23/07/2024

    The Justice Department has reached an agreement with “Jasmine” Loo Ai Swan (Loo), the former general counsel of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), Malaysia’s sovereign investment development fund, to recover artwork by Pablo Picasso and a financial account in Switzerland traced to funds allegedly embezzled from 1MDB. Additionally, the Justice Department has obtained forfeiture orders on other assets allegedly purchased with 1MDB funds by Low Taek Jho, also known as Jho Low (Low), including diamond jewelry and artwork by Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Diane Arbus. 

  • ISDA Letter To IASB On Contracts For Renewable Electricity

    Date 23/07/2024

    On July 17, ISDA submitted a comment letter to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in response to its exposure draft, which seeks to address the accounting matters related to renewable electricity contracts and the impact on hedge accounting. ISDA provided additional information and proposed other instances, in addition to contracts for renewable electricity, where hedge accounting with a variable notional should be permitted, such as balance guaranteed swaps, and proposed to address this issue as part of the post-implementation review of International Financial Reporting Standard 9, hedge accounting, which is expected to begin later in 2024.

  • US Treasury: CFIUS 2023 Annual Report Showcases High Level of Activity And Efficiency Across Functions

    Date 23/07/2024

    The Department of the Treasury, as Chair of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), today released its Annual Report to Congress for calendar year 2023.

  • FSB: Cross-Border Regulatory And Supervisory Issues Of Global Stablecoin Arrangements In EMDEs

    Date 23/07/2024

    EMDEs may be exposed to macro-financial risks arising from the use of foreign currency pegged global stablecoins (GSC), which can increase financial stability risks by destabilising financial flows and straining fiscal resources.

  • Tehran Securities Exchange Hosts Corporate Governance Training Seminar

    Date 23/07/2024

    A training seminar on “Corporate Governance Establishment in listed issuers: IT risk management and IT auditing” was held by Tehran Securities Exchange (TSE) in Iran Information Technology Auditing Association (IITASA) and attending of around three hundred participants at Tehran Securities Exchange building.