FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Global X Australia Launches The Global X Australian Bank Credit ETF (ASX: BANK) Tracking New Solactive Australian Bank Credit Index
Date 24/07/2024
Solactive introduces the Solactive Australian Bank Credit Index, a benchmark tracking credit risk across Australia’s banking sector, and underlying the new Global X Australian Bank Credit ETF (ASX: BANK). The resilience of the Australian banking system is enhanced by the quantity and quality of capital held by all the banks in Australia, leading to continued strong issuance of corporate bonds and structured credit products.
Tokyo Stock Exchange To Launch Study Group On Small-Size Investments
Date 24/07/2024
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) has been working to lower investment units with the purpose of creating an environment in which retail investors can easily invest, including indicating that the desirable investment unit level should be less than JPY 500,000 and requesting listed companies to transition to and maintain that level.Recently, many listed companies have lowered their investment units through stock splits.
Monetary Authority Of Singapore Cancels The Insurance Broker Registration Of Acesynergy Brokers Pte. Ltd.
Date 24/07/2024
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) has cancelled the registration of Acesynergy Brokers Pte. Ltd. (ABPL) as an insurance broker in Singapore with effect from 24 July 2024. ABPL is no longer permitted to carry on insurance broking business in Singapore from the same date. ABPL has returned all remaining policyholders’ moneys and connected them with their respective insurers.
UAE Securities and Commodities Authority Issues A Decision Regulating SPVs To Advance The Investment Funds Industry And Encourage Securitization And Sukuk Issuance
Date 24/07/2024
Securities and Commodities Authority, Abu Dhabi, July 24, 2024: The Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) issued a decision regulating special purpose vehicles (SPVs) as part of its ongoing efforts to enhance the regulatory framework of the securities sector in the UAE, in line with the best international standards and practices, and boost the UAE’s standing as a leading global hub for business and investment.
Monetary Authority Of Singapore Proposes To Impose Minimum Interest Coverage On All REITs
Date 24/07/2024
The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) today published a consultation paper to subject all REITs to a minimum interest coverage ratio (ICR) threshold of 1.5 times and an aggregate leverage limit of 50%, as it simplifies leverage requirements for the sector.
Australians Can Be Confident In The Integrity Of Our Equity Markets: ASIC Report
Date 24/07/2024
ASIC’s latest market cleanliness report has shown Australia’s equity markets continue to operate with a high level of integrity and remain consistently among the cleanest in the world.
New Zealand Financial Markets Authority Publishes Guidance Note For Providers Of Client Money Or Property Services
Date 24/07/2024
The Financial Markets Authority – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – has published guidance on how providers of client money or property services, and custodians, can meet their obligations under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (FMC Act).
UK Financial Conduct Authority Confirms Plan To Protect Access To Cash For Consumers And Small Businesses
Date 23/07/2024
Banks and building societies will need to weigh up if local communities lack access to cash services, like branches and ATMs, and plug significant gaps, under new rules announced today by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Market For Underlying Security Used For Openings On MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options And MIAX Emerald Options For Newly Listed Symbols Effective Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Date 23/07/2024
Please refer to the Regulatory Circulars listed below for newly added symbols and the corresponding market for the underlying security used for openings on the MIAX Exchanges. The newly listed symbols will be available for trading beginning Wednesday, July 24, 2024.
Canadian Securities Administrators Release 2023-2024 Year In Review
Date 23/07/2024
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) today published its annual Year in Review, which covers the CSA’s progress made between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024, toward the strategic goals outlined in the 2022-2025 Business Plan.