FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Nasdaq Opens New Office In Chicago
Date 08/02/2000
The Nasdaq Stock MarketĀ® announced today the opening of a new business development and sales office in Chicago, Illinois.
Eurex Launches 17 New Stock Options On European Blue Chips - Starting With Dutch, Italian And French Stock Options
Date 08/02/2000
The European derivatives market, Eurex, is launching six Dutch, three Italian and eight French stock options: The launch date for the Dutch and Italian stock options is March 20, 2000; they will be followed by the French stock options on May 22, 2000. Eurex is thus adding 17 products to its European stock option segment and further expanding its leading market position in trading in this segment. The new stock options are on ABN Amro, Aegon, ING, Phillips, Royal Dutch and Unilever; Assicurazion
Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction, 8.Feb.
Date 08/02/2000
The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on February 8 of the standard maturity of 14 days.
Australia - A Nation Of Shareholders
Date 08/02/2000
Total share ownership in Australia has increased from 40.3 percent of the adult population to 53.7 percent, the Share Ownership 2000 survey released by Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) has revealed. The survey shows that an estimated 2.1 million Australians have entered the sharemarket directly or indirectly since the October 1998 survey. Approximately 7.6 million Australians now own shares themselves, or through a manged fund or personal superannuation.
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Total Options Volume 104% Higher Than Last Crop Year-To-Date
Date 07/02/2000
Volume and open interest statistics for January 2000 show increased interest in options trade in the current crop year. Total volume of options contracts traded since August 1, 1999 exceeds the previous crop year-to-date by 104%. Canola and flaxseed options volume increased 62% and 297% respectively in January 2000, compared to January 1999. And total options open interest on January 31 was 237% higher than 3,946 contracts open on the same date a year ago.
SDEX Internet Stock Index Stock Components Altered
Date 07/02/2000
The Kansas City Board of Trade announces the following changes to the ISDEX index of Internet stocks, effective at the start of trading today: ELNK Earthlink has been removed, ELNKD Earthlink, Inc. has been added, MSPG Mindspring has been removed and VERT VerticalNet has been added to the ISDEX.
S&P Unveils Global Corporate Index With World's Premier Exchanges
Date 07/02/2000
Standard & Poor's, the world's premier provider of index services, today unveiled the S&P Global 100 Index, the world's first investable stock index covering companies whose businesses are truly global in nature.
LIFFE To List Equity Options On Eight Technology Stocks
Date 07/02/2000
The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) today announced that it will be listing a group of new technology equity options. The new options, which are all on stocks included within the FTSE 100 companies, will enhance LIFFE's existing range of 83 individual equity options.
Cyprus Stock Exchange December 1999 Statistics
Date 07/02/2000
The total market capitalisation (shares) reached CYP12,135 billion from CYP13,433 billion at the previous month registering a decrease of 9.6%.
CBOE Plans To Resume Trading At Approximately 11:30 Am (Chicago Time)
Date 07/02/2000
The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) announced that it plans to resume trading at approximately 11:30 AM (Chicago Time), revising an earlier projection of 11:15 AM.
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