FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Buenos Aires Futures Exchange Monthly Report For May 2001
Date 04/06/2001
The Mercado a Término de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Futures Exchange) traded 16,446 contracts in May 2001 compared to a figure of 21,479 contracts in May 2000.
Tokyo Grain Exchange Elects New Executive Managing Director
Date 01/06/2001
At the Annual General Members Meeting held on May 25, 2001 (Friday), Mr. Takeshi Kubota was elected as Executive Managing Director of the Tokyo Grain Exchange. Mr. Itsuji Yanagisawa stepped down to become an adviser of the Exchange and director of the Tokyo Grain Market Research, Inc.
The Bank Of Slovenia Abolishes Foreign Portfolio Investments Restrictions
Date 01/06/2001
By the decree of the Board of the Bank of Slovenia, foreign portfolio investments in long - term securities in Slovenia are going to be liberalised as of July 1, 2001. The Central Bank has abolished all restrictions and additional Central Bank's costs associated with custodian accounts for non-residents. This important move can be considered as a new direction of the Slovenian Central Bank in its efforts for further development of domestic financial market and will help Ljubljana Stock Exchange,
Stock Exchange of Thailand Upgrades Website To Create Complete Center For Investment Information
Date 01/06/2001
Yesterday the SET officially introduced its new, improved website at www.set.or.th. It's a bilingual site (Thai and English) offering more complete, accurate and up-to-date investment news and information. The website is now truly a data center for investors, especially its "New Investor" corner, designed for the novice investor. Interested website visitors are eligible to receive special benefits when they register as members.
Pacific Exchange To Trade Options On Instinet Group Incorporated And USEC, Inc.
Date 01/06/2001
The Pacific Exchange (PCX) will begin trading options on Instinet Group Incorporated (INET/UAU) and USEC, Inc. (USU) on Monday, June 4, 2001. For expiration cycles and strike prices, visit the Options Listing Bulletin section of the PCX Web site.
New York Board Of Trade Cotton Futures Delivery Specification Changes To Take Effect For May 2003 Contract - Trading In Contract To Begin At NYBOT On June 5, 2001
Date 01/06/2001
Following approval by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), several delivery specification changes will go into effect for the Cotton No. 2 futures contract traded on the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE) of the New York Board of Trade (NYBOTâ). The changes commence with the May 2003 futures contract that will begin trading on Tuesday June 5, 2001 at NYBOT and, subsequently, will be in effect for all newly listed futures contracts months. The May 2003 Cotton No. 2 options contr
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Owners Approve Cash-Settled Corn and Soybean Futures; Spring Wheat Serial Options and Five-Cent Strike Prices Begin Trading Today
Date 01/06/2001
Owners of the Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) approved contract specifications for cash-settled corn and soybean futures and options yesterday. MGEX owners also approved listing spring wheat serial options and five-cent strike prices, which began trading today.
May A Banner Month For KCBT Wheat Options Volume And Open Interest
Date 01/06/2001
The Kansas City Board of Trade wheat options contract surpassed several records during the month of May. May wheat options volume traded was 32,997 contracts, which breaks all previous monthly records. The last record of 28,294 contracts was set in October 2000. Year-to-date wheat options volume is 54.7 percent ahead of last year.
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: Practice Notes To New Listing Requirements
Date 01/06/2001
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) is issuing several Practice Notes to aid industry in complying with the new Listing Requirements. The new Listing Requirements, announced in January this year, is a major effort by KLSE to further strengthen the capital market and securities industry in Malaysia.
International Securities Exchange Celebrates First Anniversary - Trades 25 Million Contracts In First Year
Date 01/06/2001
The International Securities Exchange (ISE) successfully completed its first year of operation, having launched the first fully electronic U.S. options exchange on May 26, 2000. Twenty-five million contracts were traded on ISE in its first year.
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