FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Botswana Stock Exchange Company News
Date 26/11/2001
Sechaba has released a satisfactory interim result for the six months to September 2001. Turnover rose 7.2% from P313.2m in the previous year to P335.8m despite a general slowdown in the economy. Improvements in operating margins led to an 11.4% increase in gross profit from P132.1m to P147.1m. Operating profit increased 6.4% from P89.7m to P95.5m, with profit before tax up 2.9% from P94.9m to P97.7m. The lower growth in profit before tax was mainly due to a 32% rise in sales and distribution c
World Zinc Industry Adopts Sustainability Charter
Date 23/11/2001
Leaders of the world zinc industry, members of the International Zinc Association (IZA), unanimously adopted a Sustainability Charter at their Annual General Meeting, London, 25 October, 2001.
The American Stock Exchange® Reports Increase In Short Interest
Date 23/11/2001
The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) member and non-member organizations today reported short interest of 451,462,051shares as of the November 15 settlement date, an increase of 73,898,358 shares from the 377,563,693 shares (adjusted) reported in mid-October. The November figure represents trades through November 12, 2001.
LIFFE To Launch Weather Futures Contracts On 10 December 2001
Date 23/11/2001
The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE) today announced it will launch LIFFE Weather Futures contracts from 10 December 2001. The contracts will be listed and traded on LIFFE CONNECT™.
Holiday Schedule On SWX
Date 23/11/2001
As a part of the prevailing harmonisation of SWX and virt-x practices, and at the request of various SWX participants, the Management Board of the SWX Swiss Exchange has resolved that 24.12.2001 will not be a trading day on SWX.
HEX Plc's Interim Report For Three Quarters 2001
Date 23/11/2001
Turnover: EUR 67.2 million, +25.6% ·Operating profit: EUR 22.9 million, -0.9% Profit before extraordinary items, appropriations and taxes: EUR 24.2 million, -2.4% Net profit for the period: EUR 17.0 million, -3,2% HEX bought 95% of the shares of Sampo Custody Services Ltd HEX and Euronext enter agreement on easier cross membership
Eurex Summarizes The Extraordinary Trading Situation Of Tuesday 20 November, 2001 - Unusually High Number Of Mistrades Leads To Cancellation Of Trades Between 09:21 And 09:25 CET - Members Informed Within Three Minutes About "Under Investigation" Status -
Date 23/11/2001
On Friday 23 November, 2001 the Eurex derivatives exchange summarized the extraordinary trading occurrences of Tuesday 20 November when, following erroneous order entry, trades in futures and options on the DAX and Dow Jones STOXX indices had to be cancelled by the Exchange.
Clearnet Aims To Implement Clearing 21® In Brussels On March 1st, 2002
Date 23/11/2001
Following a meeting today with its members, Clearnet announces that the target date for the implementation of C21® as the new clearing platform for cash markets in Brussels is March 1st, 2002.
Toronto Stock Exchange/Canadian Venture Exchange December Holiday Trading Hours
Date 22/11/2001
The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) and Canadian Venture Exchange (CDNX) have announced trading hours for the December holiday period.
The Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Rebalancing And Its Possible Effect On Hong Kong's Securities And Futures Markets
Date 22/11/2001
The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) and Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Limited (HKEx) wish to advise investors of the possibility of heavy securities trading volume and market volatility as a part of the MSCI rebalancing. MSCI has announced changes in the methodology used to calculate its indices and as a result, many institutional investors which use MSCI indices as performance indicators may be rebalancing or adjusting their portfolios.
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