FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Successful Launch Of The French Power Exchange Powernext
Date 26/11/2001
The first auction of the day-ahead hourly contract took place today on the organised market Powernext. Six members participated in this first trading day for delivery tomorrow on the French hub: Cargill, EDFTrading, Electrabel, Endesa, Iberdrola, TotalfinaElf. The total volume exchanged on Powernext is 996 MWh. Further ten members are finalizing the agreement procedure and should join the exchange in the coming weeks.
NZSE Profiles New Market
Date 26/11/2001
The New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZSE) today profiled its new investor market for the trading in listed interest rate securities through the launch of its new website www.debtmarket.co.nz
Nymex Announces Margins For Start Of Coal Futures Trading
Date 26/11/2001
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., will lower the margins on its coal futures contract as of the close of business tomorrow to $2,000 from $3,000 for clearing members; $2,200 from $3,300 for members; and $2,700 from $4,050 for customers.
Newex: RAO UES Of Russia Lists In NX.PLUS On NEWEX
Date 26/11/2001
ADR´s (American Depositary Receipts) of Unified Energy Systems of Russia will be included in the quality segment NX.plus on NEWEX (New Europe Exchange) today. Listing Agent of UES is the Moscow-based Investmentbank Region.
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: Investor Protection Measures And Extended Time Frames For Practice Note No.4/2001 Affected Listed Companies
Date 26/11/2001
The Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) will be introducing additional investor protection measures, including the enhancement of information to investors, in respect of listed companies that are required to regularise their financial condition.
IPE Appoints Complaints Commissioner
Date 26/11/2001
The IPE, Europe's leading energy futures and options exchange, is delighted to announce that it has appointed Dr Oonagh McDonald, C.B.E., to act as its Complaints Commissioner. Dr McDonald takes up this post on 1 December 2001 for three years.
Instinet Fixed Income Europe Launches eBrokerage Service In Credit Products
Date 26/11/2001
Instinet Group Incorporated (Nasdaq:INET), the world's largest electronic agency securities broker, today announced the expansion of Instinet Fixed Income Market's global electronic trading capability to include Credit Products in Europe.
HKEx Introduces The Fifth Batch Of Broker Supplied Systems
Date 26/11/2001
Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) introduced the fifth batch of Broker Supplied Systems (BSS) of AMS/3, the Third Generation Automatic Order Matching and Execution System last Friday, 23 November.
Euronext: Results Of The First Survey Amongst European Analysts And Managers On Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
Date 26/11/2001
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) has received an overall consensus of opinion and extremely positive support, both for its usefulness and for the potential it has to develop… We might even dare talk of total approval. This was revealed by the first survey carried out in October 2001 in the financial sector for the Caisse des dépôts, CSR Europe and Euronext.
Deutsche Börse: Xetra Dutch Stars Market Leader In Dutch Equities - Xetra Market Share Increases From 23 Percent To About 50 Percent - Volume Traded On Xetra Doubles Since Launch Of Segment - Wolfgang Steubing AG To Be Fourth Dutch Market Expert
Date 26/11/2001
Two weeks since the launch of the new segment for Dutch equities, the Xetra electronic trading system has become the leading platform in Germany for trading in these equities. The Xetra market share has increased from 23 percent to 49.4 percent since the Xetra Dutch Stars segment was launched on November 12. During the first two weeks market share on Xetra rose to a high of 56.1 percent.
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