FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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New ETF In Deutsche Börse's XTF Segment - MSCI USA Information Technology Index As Underlying/XTF European Market Leader Again In February
Date 12/03/2003
Deutsche Börse is continuing to expand its offerings in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). A new ETF has been tradable in Deutsche Börse's XTF segment since Wednesday. The MSCI US Tech Master Unit is issued by Lyxor International Asset Management, a subsidiary of Société Générale. The underlying index, MSCI USA Information Technology, comprises the 75 largest American IT firms.
National Stock Exchange Of Lithuania Monthly Bulletin - February 2003
Date 12/03/2003
During the month under review nearly all companies of the Official and Current Trading Lists of the Stock Exchange announced activity results for last business year. In 2002, producers of alcoholic beverages undergoing preparation for privatisation operated profitably, with an exception of Anykðèiø Vynas AB. Dairy companies reported negative activity results, only Þemaitijos Pienas AB earned profit. Lietuvos Telekomas AB reported a lower profit than the forecasted one. For furniture and p
Minneapolis Grain Exchange And Rolfe & Nolan Announce API Licensing Agreement For MGEXpres®
Date 12/03/2003
The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) and Rolfe & Nolan Systems Inc. today announced the completion of an agreement to provide licensing of the RANorder MGEXpress API to Rolfe & Nolan's entire RANorder client base. The agreement provides access to MGEXpress via all of RANorder's front-ends for no license or installation fees.
Ljubljana Stock Exchange Monthly Statistical Report February 2003
Date 12/03/2003
Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: Excellence In Corporate Conduct Key To Robust Market
Date 12/03/2003
A key factor to a robust Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) is the excellent corporate conduct of companies listed on the Exchange.
International Securities Exchange To List Nine Options Classes
Date 12/03/2003
The International Securities Exchange (ISE) said today that nine issues, including five equity option classes and options on four Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), will be listed for trading on Thursday. The new listings highlight ISE's commitment to expanding its portfolio of options on ETFs.
International Petroleum Exchange Extends Trading Hours To Commence At 02.00 Am
Date 12/03/2003
The International Petroleum Exchange (IPE) yesterday announced it will commence trading of IPE Brent Crude futures and IPE Gas Oil futures from 02.00 London local time as of 13 March 2003.
ICEX News And Views - SMARTS Surveillance System
Date 12/03/2003
This issue discusses the launch of the SMARTS surveillance system, Fact Book 2003 and Investor Relations.
HKEx 2002 Consolidated Financial Statements
Date 12/03/2003
The HKEx 2002 consolidated financial statements are available at HKEx's website.
Euronext Brussels BEL20® Monthly Selection List
Date 12/03/2003
Based upon the figures until the end of February 2003, the Market Authority of Euronext Brussels communicates the new monthly selection list. The first three reserve candidates are Telindus Group, Solvus and Melexis.
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