FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
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NASDAQ To Observe Two Minutes Of Reflection At 11 a.m. ET Today In Support Of Troops
Date 20/03/2003
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc. (NASDAQ®) today announced that it will observe two minutes of reflection at 11:00 a.m. ET in support of U.S. and Coalition troops who have begun Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Amends Margin Requirements For Hard Red Spring Wheat Futures
Date 20/03/2003
The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) Board of Directors has unanimously approved changes to the margin requirements for hard red spring wheat futures, effective March 21, 2003.
Korea Stock Exchange Signed MOUs With Shenzhen SE And Shanghai SE
Date 20/03/2003
The Korea Stock Exchange entered into MOUs with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on March 19 and with the Shanghai Stock Exchange on March 20, respectively, in order to promote cooporations between the Exchanges.
International Securities Exchange's David Krell Named As One Of Fast Company Magazine's Fast 50 Champions Of Innovation
Date 20/03/2003
David Krell, President & CEO of the International Securities Exchange (ISE), the all-electronic exchange that pioneered electronic trading in the options industry, was named as one of Fast Company magazine's debut list of "Fast 50" Champions of Innovation - individuals whose achievements helped change their companies or society.
Eurex To Launch New Equity Option On ICH Caland - Longer terms In Options On DJ Euro STOXX 50 - Option On DJ Euro STOXX 50 Now Second-Strongest Index Product At Eurex
Date 20/03/2003
Eurex, the international derivatives market, is continuing to expand its offerings in trading with equity-based products. As of March 24, 2003, the world's leading equity options market will offer equity options on the Dutch equity IHC Caland, including LEPOs (Low Exercise Price Options). As of the same date, the derivatives market will also extend the maximum lifetime for options on the DJ Euro STOXX 50 index from currently five years to eight years.
Comment By President & CEO Of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
Date 20/03/2003
As the US-led attack has begun TSE has decided, having taken into consideration the influence this event will have on financial markets, to conduct trading on our exchange next week as normal. However, we will be paying particularly close attention to further developments in this situation, closely monitoring the markets to ensure their functions are in proper order.
CME Sets Open Interest Records In NASDAQ-100 Products
Date 20/03/2003
Open interest in E-mini™ NASDAQ-100 and standard-sized NASDAQ-100 futures traded on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) rose to record levels yesterday, March 19. Open interest in E-mini Russell 2000 futures also rose above 40,000 positions for the first time, reaching 40,363 contracts. The new records for E-mini NASDAQ-100 and NASDAQ-100 futures were set at 404,091 and 118,107, respectively.
CME Delays Opening Of Its U.S. Equity Markets By 2 Minutes To Show Support Of U.S. Troops
Date 20/03/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) today announced that it will delay the opening of its U.S. stock index futures and options on futures markets by two minutes this morning. Trading in those products will begin at 8:32 a.m., CST. The delayed opening is in coordination with the New York Stock Exchange and other markets to demonstrate support of U.S. troops fighting in the war.
CME Announces April 28 Launch Date For Russell 1000<SUP><SMALL>®</SUP></SMALL> Futures
Date 20/03/2003
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) today announced a launch date of Monday, April 28 for its new Russell 1000 ® futures contracts. The new stock index futures will begin trading at 8:30 a.m.(Central time). Regular trading hours on CME's GLOBEX ® electronic trading platform will be virtually 24 hours per day, from 3:45 p.m. (5:30 p.m. on Sundays) until 3:15 p.m. the following business day.
CBOT, EPA To Announce Annual Emission Allowance Auction Results
Date 20/03/2003
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT® ) will announce the results of the 11th annual sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission allowance auction, during a press briefing on Tuesday, March 25, starting at 10:00 a.m. Central Time. The auction is being held on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The briefing will be held in the CBOT® Conference Room C, 6th Floor, 141 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 60604.
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