FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
OneChicago Will Be Closed Good Friday, April 18, 2003
Date 01/04/2003
As of Thursday Jan. 16, 2003, normal trading hours for OneChicago are Monday through Friday 9:15 AM - 4:00 PM Eastern time. Confirmation of special schedules for holidays and other events will be announced as each date approaches.
OneChicago Reports March 2003 Volume
Date 01/04/2003
OneChicago, LLC today announced that it traded 79,522 contracts in March. Open interest at OneChicago stood at 44,945 contracts March 31 after reaching 69,375 prior to MAR03 delivery.
Nymex: Intra-Commodity Spread Margins Announced For CIG Rockies And Waha Natural Gas Basis Swap Futures Contracts
Date 01/04/2003
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced intra-commodity spread margin rates for the CIG Rockies and Waha natural gas basis swap futures contracts, of $25 for clearing members, $28 for members, and $34 for customers, effective at the close of business tomorrow.
Nymex Establishes Margin Rates For PJM Monthly Eletricity Futures Contract
Date 01/04/2003
The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced the anticipated margins for the financially settled Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) monthly electricity futures contract that it will launch on April 11.
NYBOT’s Coffee “C” Contract Sets New Open Interest Record
Date 01/04/2003
The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today that on March 28, 2003, its Coffee “C” futures market set a new open interest record of 79,607 contracts. The new record replaces the previous high of 78,853 futures contracts established on March 25, 2003.
Monthly Statistics Stockholmsbörsen March 2003
Date 01/04/2003
Share trading The average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 7 875 million during March (during the past 12-month period: 9 428). In February 2003 the average share trading turnover per business day amounted to SEK 8 779 million. The average number of closed transactions per business day has been 33 534 during March (during the past 12-month period: 39 079). The turnover rate during March was 114% (during the past 12-month period:120%).
March Volume: CME Posts Highest Average Daily Volume In History at 2.8 Million Contracts During March
Date 01/04/2003
Trading volume on Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME) averaged 2.8 million contracts per day during March, the highest daily average in CME history. Total March volume of 58.6 million contracts was 41 percent higher than year-ago levels. Trading volume on CME's GLOBEXÒ electronic trading platform rose 131 percent over March 2002 levels to 24.3 million contracts and averaged 1.2 million contracts daily.
March 2003 - Euronext Key Indicators - Cash Products Up 24% Year-On-Year, 12% Year-To-Date -Derivatives Interest Rate Products Up 108% Year-On-Year - Record Month For Euribor Contracts
Date 01/04/2003
Cash products 13 million transactions were traded on Euronext cash markets during March, an increase of 24% year-on-year. March trading brings the total number of transactions in the year-to-date to over 36 million, an increase of over 12% on the first three months of 2002. In March, the average daily number of transactions reached around 642,000, compared to 575,000 in the year-to-date.
Kansas City Board Of Trade March Volume And Open Interest - Open Interest Grows In March
Date 01/04/2003
The Kansas City Board of Trade open interest in the wheat futures and wheat options contracts have swelled in the past month when compared to open interest at the end of February. Wheat options open interest posted a 32 percent gain, while wheat futures open interest increase by 5.7 percent.
Irish Stock Exchange Monthly Statistics - March 2003
Date 01/04/2003
Equity turnover for March was EUR 5,315.49 million while that for bonds was EUR 7,703.85 million.
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