Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CME Butter Futures Set Open Interest Records

    Date 25/01/2000

    Open interest in butter futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has risen considerably and set open interest records, reaching 1,250 on Jan. 24. Since Dec. 21, open interest in butter futures has risen nearly 113 percent.

  • Central Bank Of Iceland Weekly Repo Auction, 25.Jan.

    Date 25/01/2000

    The Central Bank of Iceland held a weekly auction of repurchase agreements on January 25 of the standard maturity of 14 days. The auction was a fixed rate one at 9.8 per cent p.a. Offers were made for a total amount of 16.7 billion krónur resulting in repurchase contracts for that amount.

  • Central Bank Of Central Bank Inflation Forecast

    Date 25/01/2000

    On January 24, 2000 the Central Bank of Iceland has issued a new inflation forecast for 2000. The Bank now projects an average rise in prices of 5 percent from 1999 to 2000 and a 3.8 percent rise within the year 2000.

  • CBOE Breaks Second Volume Record In 24 Hours

    Date 25/01/2000

    A record number of option contracts traded on Friday, January 21, 2000 at the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Records were broken for both total option volume as well as stock option volume. A total of 2,306,900 option contracts traded Friday, a 10% increase over the previous record of 2,102,294 option contracts set on the previous day, January 20, 2000. Stock option volume soared to 2,072,597 contracts, a 20% increase and breaking the previous record of 1,727,287 set during the pre

  • Thirtieth Investment Company to list on SWX

    Date 24/01/2000

    On Tuesday, 25 January, the 30th issuer is slated to have its securities listed in the SWX investment company segment: Acorn Alternative Strategies AG, Basel. The company was founded in 1999 and is a hedge fund with a "fund of funds" structure.