Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • NYBOT Approves Hamburg Coffee Warehouse

    Date 02/10/2002

    The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT®) announced today that its CSCE Board of Managers approved a coffee warehouse license for Bethold Vollers, located at stores D and H, in the Port of Hamburg. The license is effective immediately through March 31, 2003.

  • London Metal Exchange September 2002 Volume

    Date 02/10/2002

    The London Metal Exchange traded a total of 4,479,977 lots in September 2002. This figure was made up of 4,339,683 lots of futures, 138,029 lots of options and 2,265 lots of TAPOs.

  • Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange: Internal Auditors Play Expanded Role In Corporate Excellence

    Date 02/10/2002

    Internal Auditors have an expanded role to play in achieving corporate excellence.

  • Index Options Volume Increases For Fifth Consecutive Month At CBOE

    Date 02/10/2002

    The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) announced that volume in index options increased for the fifth consecutive month as investors sought protection from volatile equity markets. Total index options volume increased 6% over September 2001.

  • Futures & Options on Russian Trading System: September Market Data

    Date 02/10/2002

    In September 2002, 52.8 thousand trades were executed on FORTS (Futures &Options on RTS), a 2.6% increase over 51.4 thousand trades in June. Trading volume reached 2.15 million contracts or 6.5 billion rubles in underlying value. The month of August showed 2.1 million contracts and 7.2 billion rubles in underlying value. On September 25, 2002, total daily trading volume hit the all-time high of 150 610 contracts (3 781 trades).