Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Summary Of December 2010 Activities At Tokyo Commodity Exchange 

    Date 07/01/2011

    Tokyo Commodity Exchange today  announced that December  2010 trading volume averaged 104,162 contracts per day, down 24.6% from November 2010. This records the first decrease in four months. It was largely affected by  the decrease in gold standard, which is TOCOM’s most traded commodity, by 25.1% from  the previous month to 45,907 contracts per day, decrease in gold mini by 39.8% to 10,142 contracts per  day  and decrease in rubber  by 26.8% to 14,450 contracts per day. It appears that th

  • ASX Group Monthly Activity Report – December 201

    Date 07/01/2011

    ASX-listed stocks ended the year on a relatively strong note, with the All Ordinaries Index rising 3.6% during December to be down 0.7% overall in calendar year 2010, following a strong 33.4% rise in 2009.

  • ASX Compliance Monthly Activity Report – December 201

    Date 07/01/2011

    Average monthly new listings for FY11 year-to-date stand at 14 (compared to 8 listings per month on average for the whole of FY10).

  • CFTC To Hold Open Meeting On Ninth Series Of Proposed Rules Under The Dodd-Frank Act - Commission To Also Consider Adoption Of A Final Rule

    Date 06/01/2011

    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will hold a public meeting on Thursday, January 13, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. to consider: the issuance of a proposed rulemaking regarding position limits for derivatives; the issuance of a proposed rulemaking regarding swap trading relationship documentation requirements for swap dealers and major swap participants; and the adoption of a final rule that add

  • ELX Sets New End-Of-Day Total Market Share Record In U.S. Treasury Futures

    Date 06/01/2011

    ELX Futures, L.P. (ELX), a leading electronic futures exchange, announced today that it has established a new end-of-day (3 p.m. EDT)record for total market share in its U.S. Treasury futures contracts, with an electronic share at 4.7% on January 6, 2011.