FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
SIFMA AMG Statement On FDIC Postponing Rule Proposals On “Control”
Date 25/04/2024
SIFMA’s Asset Management Group (SIFMA AMG) today issued the following statement from Lindsey Keljo, managing director and head of the AMG, related to the postponement of rule proposals from the FDIC on asset managers regarding “control”:
Federal Court Orders California-Based Precious Metals Company, CEO, Senior Salesperson To Pay Over $56 Million For Fraud In Connection With Precious Metals Sales
Date 25/04/2024
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today announced Judge R. Gary Klausner of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California entered a consent order against Red Rock Secured, LLC (Red Rock), Sean L. Kelly f/k/a Shade L. Kelly-Johnson (Kelly), and Anthony “Tony” Spencer (Spencer) on April 23. The order finds the defendants liable for making fraudulent misrepresentations to customers and rendering unlawful investment advice in connection with the purchase and sale of precious metals.
Canadian Securities Administrators Publishes Research On Impact Of Client Relationship Model Amendments On Industry And Investor Behaviour
Date 25/04/2024
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) today published two research reports that examined the investment fund industry and investor behaviour following the implementation of the Client Relationship Model Phase 2 (CRM2) Amendments.
CFTC Chairman Behnam To Participate In A Fireside Chat At The 27th Annual Milken Institute Global Conference
Date 25/04/2024
Chairman Rostin Behnam will participate in a Fireside Chat at the 27th Annual Milken Institute Global Conference.
Monday, May 6, 2024
11:30 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. (PT)
2:30 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. (ET)WHERE:
The Beverly Hilton
9876 Wilshire Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Additional information: Milken Institute Global Conference 2024: Shaping a Shared Future -
Bank Of England: What’s Next? Bulk Annuity Insurers – Regulatory Developments − Speech By Lisa Leaman, Given At Westminster And City’s 21st Annual Conference On Bulk Annuities
Date 25/04/2024
The Bulk Purchase Annuities (BPA) sector is continuing its rapid growth and is poised to benefit from substantial regulatory reforms following the Government’s review of Solvency II. Lisa Leaman outlines how the new Solvency UK insurance regulatory regime – in particular the reforms to the matching adjustment - will support insurers to meet the commitment they have made to further invest in assets that benefit the UK economy.
Interactive Brokers Announces Extended Trading Hours For US Treasury Bonds - Clients Can Trade 22x5 To React Rapidly To Global Market News And Economic Events
Date 25/04/2024
Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR), an automated global electronic broker, today announced a significant expansion of trading hours for US Treasury bonds on its platform. Clients around the world can now trade US Treasury bonds for 22 hours each day. The trading session closes daily at 5:00 pm Eastern Time (ET), reopens at 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) and continues until 5:00 pm the following day. During Eastern Standard Time (EST), the market operates from 7:00 pm to 5:00 pm. This is a significant extension from the previous nine hours per day.
B.C. Securities Commission Issues Notice To Reinforce Expectations For Investor Relations Disclosure
Date 25/04/2024
The B.C. Securities Commission (BCSC) issued a BC Notice today to raise awareness of a 2023 Commission decision about promotional disclosure, and how it must be presented to comply with the law.
Broadridge Global Class Action Expands To Canada And UK
Date 25/04/2024
As class action cases dramatically increase globally in volume and complexity, Broadridge is expanding its Global Class Action footprint by adding key stakeholders in Canada and the UK on its Class Action Broker Dealer and Custody Services teams, respectively.
The EBA Observes An Increase Of High Earners In The EU In 2022
Date 25/04/2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its Report on high earners for 2022. The analysis reveals an increase of the number of individuals working for EU banks and investment firms who have received a remuneration of more than EUR 1 million. This increase is linked to the overall good performance of institutions, expansion of business and salaries adjusted for inflation.
Liz Oakes Appointed And Carolyn Wilkins Reappointed To The UK Financial Policy Committee
Date 25/04/2024
Liz Oakes has been appointed and Carolyn Wilkins has been reappointed as external members of the Financial Policy Committee (FPC), the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, has announced today (25 April 2024).