FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Dissenting Statement Of CFTC Commissioner Caroline D. Pham On NFX Settlement Order
Date 29/08/2024
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Commissioner Caroline D. Pham today released the following statement on the CFTC’s settlement order regarding Nasdaq Futures, Inc. (NFX):
EBA Issues Opinion On A Measure To Address Macroprudential Risk Following A Notification By The De Nederlandsche Bank
Date 29/08/2024
The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published an Opinion following the notification by the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank - DNB) of its intention to extend a measure originally introduced in 2022 for a further two years until 2026. The measure aims to maintain the resilience of institutions against a potential severe downturn in the residential real estate market. This action comes amidst recent sustained real estate price increases. Based on the information provided by the DNB, the EBA does not object to the extension of the measure.
The Graph Integrates Neo X To Enhance Indexing Capabilities for Developers - The Graph Integrates Neo X, Revolutionizing Blockchain Data Access And Supercharging Dapp Development On Neo’s Cutting-Edge Platform
Date 29/08/2024
The Graph, a leading decentralized protocol for indexing and querying blockchain data, has officially announced the integration of Neo X, Neo’s EVM-compatible sidechain. This strategic collaboration is set to empower developers with efficient access to blockchain data, enabling the creation of high-performance decentralized applications (dApps) and marking a significant milestone in fostering a robust ecosystem on Neo X.
CFTC Orders Nasdaq Futures, Inc. To Pay $22 Million For Core Principle Violations, Failing To Fully Disclose Incentives, Providing False And Misleading Information
Date 29/08/2024
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order filing and settling charges against Nasdaq Futures, Inc., formerly a designated contract market (DCM). The order finds Nasdaq Futures, Inc. failed to properly establish, monitor, or enforce rules related to an incentive program Nasdaq Futures, Inc. offered to certain traders on its DCM. The order also finds Nasdaq Futures, Inc. did not fully disclose this incentive program’s details to the CFTC or the public consistent with the requirements of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA) and Commission Regulations. In addition, the order finds Nasdaq Futures, Inc. made false and misleading statements to the CFTC regarding the incentive program. The order requires Nasdaq Futures, Inc. to pay a $22 million civil monetary penalty.
Borsa İstanbul’s Opening Bell Rang For AHES Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş.
Date 29/08/2024
In his address at the Opening Bell Ceremony, Korkmaz Ergun, the CEO of Borsa İstanbul A.Ş., stated the following:
“Distinguished guests,
Today, I welcome you all to your home, to the Opening Bell Ceremony hosted by our Exchange as we celebrate the listing of Ahes Gayrimenkul Yatırım Ortaklığı A.Ş. at our Exchange."
Financial Education Among Young Austrians Still In Need Of Improvement: Vienna Stock Exchange Strengthens Cooperation With University Colleges Of Teacher Education
Date 29/08/2024
Next Monday, the school bells will ring again in the eastern part of Austria. A familiar sound for the students, in contrast to that of the stock exchange bell. When it comes to financial education, there is still room for improvement in Austria. The results of the 2022 PISA assessment on financial literacy, in which 20 OECD countries took partand which was published this summer confirm that Austrian students have above-average financial knowledge by comparison. However, financial literacy generally lags behind when it comes to capital market and pension topics in particular. The Vienna Stock Exchange is counteracting the lack of financial knowledge with its educational programme and is also intensifying its cooperation with University Colleges of Teacher Education.
Publication Of Near-Final Basel 3.1 Rules - Statement From The Bank Of England
Date 29/08/2024
The Prudential Regulation Authority will publish its second and last set of near-final Basel 3.1 rules on 12 September 2024. At the same time, it will also publish a consultation paper covering the capital-related aspects of its Strong and Simple regime for smaller firms.
Saxo Bank Announces H1 2024 Results
Date 29/08/2024
The Saxo Bank Group reported an adjusted net profit of EUR 68 million, compared to EUR 50 million for the same period last year, corresponding to an increase of 35%.
Borsa Istanbul: Final Settlement Price Calculation Method Change For CNH/TRY Futures Contracts
Date 29/08/2024
Please click for the announcement.
ESMA: Markets Increasingly Sensitive After Strong Performance In Early 2024
Date 29/08/2024
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s financial markets regulator and supervisor, today publishes its second risk monitoring report of 2024, setting out the key risk drivers currently facing EU financial markets. External events continue to have a strong impact on the evolution of financial markets, and ESMA also sees high or very high overall risks in the markets within its remit.