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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • SEC Announces Six New Investor Advisory Committee Members

    Date 10/09/2024

    The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced six new members to fill vacancies on its Investor Advisory Committee. The new members, who will serve four-year terms, join 17 current committee members. The committee, established under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, advises the Commission on regulatory priorities and initiatives to protect investors and promote the integrity of the U.S. securities markets.

  • Financial Stability At Your Service − Speech By Sarah Breeden, Bank Of England, Deputy Governor, Financial Stability Based On Remarks Given At Wharton-IMF Transatlantic Dialogue, Washington DC

    Date 10/09/2024

    In these remarks – published alongside a companion article by Bank staff – Sarah Breeden talks about the Bank’s work on financial stability. She makes the case for policymakers to focus on the provision of vital services, which requires a better understanding of the dynamics of the system not just a focus on individual institutions. She also talks about the relationship between financial stability and economic growth.

  • MIAX Exchange Group - Options & Equities Markets - Reminder: Reg SCI / SIFMA BCP Pre-Test On Saturday, September 14, 2024

    Date 10/09/2024


    As previously announced in the April 3, 2024 Alert, the MIAX Exchange Group will be participating in the 2024 SIFMA BCP Testing on Saturday, October 5, 2024.  All Members that are required to test with MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options, MIAX Emerald Options and/or MIAX Pearl Equities Exchanges in accordance with Regulation Systems Compliance and Integrity (Regulation SCI) were notified on April 2nd and April 3rd, 2024.  However, all Members are encouraged to test. 

  • Euronext Announces September 2024 Quarterly Review Results Of The AEX® Family

    Date 10/09/2024

    Euronext today announced the results of the September 2024 quarterly review for the AEX®AMX®, AScX® and AEX® ESG, which will be implemented after markets close on Friday 20 September 2024 and will be effective from Monday 23 September 2024.

  • The Next Steps On Capital, Vice Chair For Supervision Michael S. Barr, At The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.

    Date 10/09/2024

    Thank you for inviting me to speak today. Since I joined the Federal Reserve Board as Vice Chair for Supervision, I have spoken many times about the importance of bank capital to the safety and soundness of banks and the stability of the financial system. It is critical that banks have the capacity to continue lending to households and businesses through times of stress. Bank capital is a key component of this resilience. And bank capital rules help to ensure that banks are holding capital commensurate with the risks of their activities and the risks that they pose to the U.S. financial system. But capital has costs too. As compared to debt, capital is a more expensive source of funding to the bank. Thus, higher capital requirements can raise the cost of funding to a bank, and the bank can pass higher costs on to households, businesses, and clients engaged in a range of f