FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Opening Remarks By Tan Boon Gin, CEO Of Singapore Exchange Regulation, At The SID Briefing For SGX ListCo Directors On CG Watch Asean
Date 17/09/2024
1. In a few minutes you will hear from Mr Amar Gill, Secretary General of the Asian Corporate Governance Association (the ACGA), about how Singapore fared against other ASEAN countries in the ACGA’s biannual corporate governance review called the CG Watch.
Euronext Acquires Leading Research And Market Data Benchmarking Provider Substantive Research
Date 17/09/2024
Euronext today announces that it has acquired 100% of Substantive Research, an industry-leading pioneer providing in-depth transparency on product and pricing comparison for investment research spend, market data and investment research content.
Successful Expansion Of Euronext Clearing To All Euronext Financial Derivatives Markets
Date 17/09/2024
- This significant milestone completes the migration of Euronext clearing business from LCH SA to Euronext Clearing and completes the integration of the Borsa Italiana Group
- The migration was delivered as planned and on schedule, and is the final step in reaching the targeted €115 million of run-rate EBITDA synergies by the end of 2024
- Euronext Clearing has become a leading multi-asset class clearing house in Europe
- Euronext is now the leading pan-European market infrastructure integrated across the entire trading value chain (listing, trading, clearing, settlement and custody), for the benefit of its clients and the attractiveness of the European markets
Bursa Carbon Exchange (BCX) Now Offers Continuous Trading For Renewable Energy Certificates (RECS)
Date 17/09/2024
- BCX commenced its continuous trading service offering of RECs on its platform;
- BCX to now include RECs generated from solar photovoltaic, bioenergy and small-hydropower sources;
- Bursa Malaysia invites corporates to onboard BCX ahead of year-end sustainability reporting.
ASIC Expands Operational Resilience Guidance For Market Participants
Date 17/09/2024
ASIC has today released a letter to market participants outlining technological and operational resilience guidance, clarifying how to identify critical business services and notification of a major event.
New Zealand Financial Markets Authority Files Criminal Proceedings Against Individual For Alleged Insider Trading
Date 17/09/2024
The Financial Markets Authority – Te Mana Tātai Hokohoko – has filed criminal proceedings against an individual for alleged insider trading relating to the buying and selling of shares in Heartland Group Holdings Limited (HGH).
Effective Compliance: Perspectives From The Regulator - Speech By ASIC Chair Joe Longo At The Australian Compliance Institute Annual Conference, 17 September 2024.
Date 17/09/2024
Key points
- More than ever, compliance professionals can play a strategic role in the boardroom.
- Written policies and procedures provide the framework for compliance. Systems, processes, and technology can be used to underpin and support compliance. But compliance in practice requires a culture of integrity, ethics, and trust.
- It’s the role of the directors of a company to set the tone, establish and lead a culture of compliance. This includes monitoring the arrangements the company has in place to ensure compliance with regulatory obligations.
SEC Charges Former Chairman And CEO Of Tech Co. Kubient With Fraud And Lying To Auditor - Former CFO And Audit Committee Chair Also Charged
Date 16/09/2024
The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed charges against Paul D. Roberts, the former Chair, CEO, and president of Kubient Inc.; Joshua A. Weiss, the company’s former chief financial officer; and Grainne M. Coen, the company’s former audit committee chair, for their roles in a scheme in which Kubient overstated and misrepresented its revenue in connection with two public stock offerings.
Omakase: Statement On In The Matter Of Flyfish Club, LLC, SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce, SEC Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda, Sept. 16, 2024
Date 16/09/2024
For curmudgeonly commissioners like us, crypto enforcement feels a bit like a trip to a restaurant for a meal, Omakase style. Omakase translates to, “I’ll leave it up to you.” This directive is wonderful in the hands of a renowned chef, but disastrous in the hands of a crypto-obsessed Commission. Leaving crypto to be addressed in an endless series of misguided and overreaching cases has been and continues to be a consequential mistake. By its very nature, Omakase dining requires a deep level of trust. Americans should be able to extend a similar trust to our regulators. Today’s settled enforcement action with Flyfish Club for its sale of non-fungible tokens (“NFTs”) is just the latest dish that undermines trust in Chef SEC. Accordingly, we dissent.
CFTC To Hold A Commission Open Meeting September 20
Date 16/09/2024
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Chairman Rostin Behnam today announced the Commission will hold an open meeting on Friday, September 20 at 10:00 a.m. (EDT) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters. Members of the public can attend the meeting in person, listen by phone, or view a live stream at CFTC.gov.