Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Eurex on Continuing Upward Trend in May

    Date 01/06/1999

    The Eurex derivatives market is posting further increases in trading volume: 28.8 million contracts were traded in May. This represents an increase of about 60 percent over the number traded in May 1998 according to Eurex statistics. Total contract volume exceeded 139 million contracts during the first five months of 1999, about 50 million contracts more than the number traded during the same period of last year. In terms of average daily volume, Eurex set a new record in May. With 1.51 million

  • Deutsche Börse Developing European Bond Index Family

    Date 01/06/1999

    Deutsche Börse AG is launching a new family of European bond indices in September. The index family for bonds, like the STOXX indices for equities, will be calculated for countries from the European area (without Greece and Norway) as well as the euro zone (without Luxembourg). The new bond indices will be designated to serve as a benchmark to track the performance of fixed-income securities on a pan-European level. For private investors, they offer a new basis for investments in bond funds and

  • ASX proposes BLOX for high value trades

    Date 01/06/1999

    The Australian Stock Exchange has announced that it will develop a new trading environment called BLOX, aimed at better meeting the needs of stockbrokers and their institutional clients who deal in particularly large buy and sell orders. BLOX comprises two new facilities for large orders (blocks): a proposed trading facility with special features to address the needs of block traders; and a proposed reporting regime that will enhance brokers' ability to facilitate block trades for their clients

  • ASX Buys Stake in Austraclear

    Date 01/06/1999

    The Australian Stock Exchange Limited (ASX) today announced a further stage in the development of its debt market strategy having reached agreement to acquire a 13 per cent interest in Austraclear Limited, an unlisted public company. Austraclear is a central securities depository providing clearing and settlement facilities to the Australian fixed interest and money markets. ASX will be entitled to appoint a director to the Board of Austraclear once the acquisition of the shares is completed. T

  • 359 Billion Euro in Turnover on the German Stock Exchanges in May (Beate Uhse tops turnover in SMAX segment)

    Date 01/06/1999

    A volume of 359.23 billion Euro was traded in equities, warrants and fixed-income securities on the German stock exchanges in May, a decline of about 11 percent from the volume traded in the same month of last year. The order-book statistics of Deutsche Börse, which are based on single counting of all transactions posted in the order book of Xetra® and the trading floor, show a total of 52.86 billion Euro was traded in equities on the German stock exchanges in May; 34.77 billion Euro, or about 7

  • The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Review Procedures - Chapter 2B of the Exchange Listing Rules

    Date 31/05/1999

    The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong wishes to announce the introduction of the new Chapter 2B in relation to review procedures and the corresponding amendments made to Chapter 2A and Practice Note 1. The new Chapter 2B codifies existing practices and procedures in relation to review proceedings. The provisions in the new Chapter 2B are basically extracted from and are fundamentally the same as those set out in the previous Chapter 2A of the Exchange Listing Rules except for the following relatively

  • Securities and Exchange Board of India Investigation Enforcement & Surveillance

    Date 31/05/1999

    Investigations were conducted by SEBI into the trading in the scrip of M/s SVA India Ltd. pursuant to an abnormal price rise from Rs. 42.50 to Rs. 150 accompanied with large volumes in the month of November 1995. Investigations revealed that, shares of SVA India Ltd. were cornered by a group of persons through a few brokers on the Stock Exchange, Mumbai, which resulted in the manipulation of the price of the scrip. In this connection, SEBI had suspended four brokers for a period of 60 days from

  • Eurex Extends Post-Trading Phase for Capital Market Products in Periods prior to Contract Date

    Date 31/05/1999

    The derivatives market Eurex is extending the post-trading phase for capital market products, effective immediately, as follows: During the last 10 days preceding a contract expiration/maturity date, Eurex market participants now have another half hour to process their post-trading activities in these products; in this case the so-called post-trading period ends at 20:00. The Eurex derivatives market is thus meeting the request of many market participants, especially from the UK, for an extensio

  • Compensation for C.A. Pacific Securities and Forluxe Securities Claimants

    Date 31/05/1999

    The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong issued 714 determination notices to C.A. Pacific Securities Claimants in May. Copies of the determination notices were sent to the Securities and Futures Commission requesting payment to the claimants. A large majority of the 714 claims have been successful and bring to 2,344 the number of settled cases.

  • Bahrain Stock Exchange Weekly Report

    Date 31/05/1999

    In general, the market this week could be categorised as slow with a 34% decline in the number of shares traded and a 13% decrease in value. The Index is still below the opening level for the year (-2.7%). The declines this week have again outnumbered the advances at 10 to 3. Of the 5 companies in the Commercial Banking sector, Bahrain Saudi and Bahrain Islamic Bank shares remained at the same price as last week. Al-Ahli and NBB both lost 2 fils each while BBK lost 4 fils. Investcorp shares d