Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • NYBOT Announces Contract Specifications For Revised NYSE Composite Index Contracts

    Date 31/01/2003

    The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today that the Executive Committee of its New York Futures Exchange, Inc. (NYFE), has approved contract specifications for the revised New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Composite Index® futures and options contracts. Two new futures contracts (Regular and Small) will begin trading Friday, March 7, 2003, beginning with a June 2003 contract, and the option on the Regular contract will begin trading Monday, March 10, 2003.

  • Minneapolis Grain Exchange Announces Additional Access Alternatives To MGEXpress®

    Date 31/01/2003

    The Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) announced today that access alternatives to MGEXpress®, the Exchange's electronic trading platform, will become more numerous, flexible and affordable in a few weeks. National Corn Index (NCI) and National Soybean Index (NSI) futures and options are traded on MGEXpress®.

  • International Securities Exchange Says Linkage Ushers In A New Era In Options Market Linkage Expands Benefits Of Best Execution

    Date 31/01/2003

    The International Securities Exchange (ISE) said that today's implementation of an electronic intermarket linkage system in the US options market marks the beginning of a new era for options investors.

  • FERC-CFTC Announce Final Agenda For Conference On "Credit Issues In The Energy Markets: Clearing And Other Solutions"

    Date 31/01/2003

    The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) today announced the final agenda for the joint technical conference "Credit Issues in the Energy Markets: Clearing and Other Solutions", which will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at FERC headquarters, 888 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C., in meeting room 2C.

  • Euronext: Rectification Of Weighting In Final Selection For Midkap-Index

    Date 31/01/2003

    In the appendix to Euronext announcement 2003-010, the table listing the shares that will constitute the Amsterdam Midkap index stated the wrong free-float percentage for Koninklijke Volker Wessels Stevin. The correct free-float percentage for Koninklijke Volker Wessels Stevin is 100%, not 25%. The recalculation resulting from this rectification of the free-float percentage has led to new indicative weightings and indicative numbers of shares for all the index constituents.