Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • RTS Order-Driven Market: Weekly Data February 3rd-February 7th

    Date 10/02/2003

    For the week of February 7th, securities traded on the Order-driven market 7 319 times, 13% more than last week (6 499 times). Weekly turnover increased by 54% to 289 million shares, (or 28% to 2 124 million rubles), compared with 1 654 million rubles and 187 million shares for the previous week (January 27th to January 31st, 2003).

  • RTS FORTS: Weekly Data February 3rd-February 7th

    Date 10/02/2003

    For the week of February 7th, the total trading volume on FORTS (Futures & Options on RTS) equaled 636 thousand contracts, or 2 547 million rubles in underlying value. The number of trades reached 16 024. Total open interest, as of February 7th, 2003, stood at 365 thousand contracts and 1,493 million rubles, compared with 365 thousand contracts and 1, 393 million rubles on January 31st.

  • RTS Classic Market: Weekly Data February 3rd-February 7th

    Date 10/02/2003

    For the week of February 3rd, 2003, the RTS Index gained 2.29% and closed at 353.46. The RTS Technical Index closed 2.46% up at 388.17.

  • RTS Bonds: Weekly Data February 3rd-February 7th

    Date 10/02/2003

    For the week of February 07, 2003, total volume on the RTS Bonds, the system facilitating trading of corporate, government, municipal debt, and Eurobonds, reached 795 thousand US dollars, a significant increase from 72 thousand US dollars for the week of January 27th. 27th issue of Moscow City Bonds accounted for 76% of total turnover. The number of trades increased more than 4 times, from 5 to 21 trades.

  • Rising Eurex Market Share In Dutch Equity Options

    Date 10/02/2003

    Eurex, the international derivatives market, has further expanded its position as the world's leading equity options exchange with a rising share of the market in Dutch equity options. In January 2003, Eurex turned over 518,000 contracts in the Dutch options segment, a 128 percent increase from the December volume and 317 percent higher than in January last year. An average of some 25,000 contracts are being traded and cleared per day on the Eurex platform in the meantime.