Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • BM&FBOVESPA Announces The Ibovespa And Other Indices, Valid For May-August 2013

    Date 06/05/2013

    BM&FBOVESPA announces the BOVESPA Index theoretical portfolio, which will be valid for the period of May 06-August 30, 2013, based on the closing of the May 3, 2013 session. The portfolio keeps the entrance of BR Properties (BR PROPERT ON) and of Bradesco ON (BBDC3) onto the Ibovespa portfolio, which is now made up of 71 stocks from 65 companies.

  • NASDAQ OMX And World Steel Exchange Marketing Announce Strategic Partnership

    Date 06/05/2013

    The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq:NDAQ), and World Steel Exchange Marketing, LLC (WSEM), founded by World Steel Dynamics (WSD) in 2009, today announced a strategic partnership to develop financially settled steel and steel scrap futures products to be traded on the NASDAQ OMX Futures Exchange, Inc. (NFX). This strategic partnership will help the steel industry better manage steel price risk, with a world-class trading platform and a complement of steel futures products. The products are expected to launch in the fourth quarter of 2013 following filing with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

  • EEX Trading Results In April

    Date 06/05/2013

    In April 2013, the total volume traded in power derivatives on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) amounted to 90.3 TWh which is a year-on-year increase of 85 percent compared to April 2012 (48.7 TWh). The Power Derivatives Market volume contained 38.4 TWh from OTC clearing.

  • Moscow Exchange: The Government Bond Index Reviewed

    Date 06/05/2013

    Effective May 02, 2013 a reviewed list of bonds for the Government Bond Index came into force.

  • Trading On The Warsaw Stock Exchange: April 2013

    Date 06/05/2013

    • The value of total trading in equities on the Main Market was PLN 18.5 billion in April 2013, an increase of 45.0% year on year.
    • Average daily trading per session on the Main Market was PLN 853.2 million in April 2013, an increase of 29.5% year on year.
    • Total trading on the Main Market year to date in 2013 increased by 24.3% year on year.
    • The total volume of trading in index futures decreased by 9.7% year on year (637 thousand contracts v. 706 thousand contracts in April 2012).
    • The volume of forward transactions in electricity in April 2013 and year to date in 2013 increased almost four-fold year on year.
    • The aggregate volume of spot and forward transactions in natural gas was 111.4 GWh in April 2013 and over 300 GWh in aggregate year to date in 2013.