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  • ICE Reports February Daily Volumes

    Date 05/03/2014

    IntercontinentalExchange Group (NYSE: ICE), the leading global network of exchanges and clearing houses, today reported exchange traded volumes for February 2014.

  • Expert Comment From Warwick Business School Dean Professor Mark Taylor On Bank Of England Suspending A Staff Member In Investigation Over Foreign Exchange Rigging

    Date 05/03/2014

    The Bank of England have suspended a member of staff after investigating potential rigging of the foreign exchange market.

  • Bank Of England: Foreign Exchange Market Review

    Date 05/03/2014

    It is a matter of public record that the Bank of England has been conducting an internal review into allegations that Bank of England officials condoned or were informed of manipulation in the foreign exchange market or the sharing of confidential client information.  This extensive review of documents, emails and other records has to date found no evidence that Bank of England staff colluded in any way in manipulating the foreign exchange market or in sharing confidential client information.  However, the Bank requires its staff to follow rigorous internal control processes and has today suspended a member of staff, pending investigation by the Bank into compliance with those processes.

  • Statement On The Decision Of The European Commission Closing The Case Involving EPEX SPOT

    Date 05/03/2014

    The European Commission closed on 5 March 2014 the antitrust procedure involving EPEX SPOT SE. EPEX SPOT has been subject to an on-site inspection by the Commission in February 2012. This inspection was triggered by alleged anticompetitive outcomes of the cooperation with Nord Pool Spot in the context of the integration of the European energy market by 2014. The Commission has rendered a settlement decision resulting in a fine imposed on EPEX SPOT.

  • Antitrust: European Commission Fines Two Power Exchanges € 5.9 Million In Cartel Settlement

    Date 05/03/2014

    The European Commission has imposed fines totalling € 5 979 000 on the two leading European spot power exchanges, EPEX Spot ("EPEX") and Nord Pool Spot (NPS) for having agreed not to compete with one another for their spot electricity trading services in the European Economic Area (EEA). Such behaviour breaches EU antitrust rules that prohibit cartels and restrictive practices. Power exchanges are organised markets for trading electricity. Spot trading means trading in the short run, such as within the same day or for the next day. NPS and EPEX received a fine reduction of 10% each for agreeing to settle the case with the Commission.