Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • Nigerian Stock Exchange Weekly Report For The Week Ended 21 March 2014

    Date 21/03/2014

    A turnover of 1.391 billion shares worth N19.414 billion in 22,527 deals were traded this week by investors on the floor of The Exchange in contrast to a total of 1.989 billion shares valued at N15.098 billion that exchanged hands last week in 21,948 deals.

  • European Banking Authority Consults On A Revised XBRL Taxonomy For Supervisory Reporting

    Date 21/03/2014

    The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a consultation on a revised version of its XBRL Taxonomy for supervisory reporting, which incorporates additional reporting requirements for asset encumbrance, non-performing exposures and forbearance. This consultation aims at ensuring that the data national competent authorities collect from credit institutions and investment firms is transmitted to the EBA in a uniform and consistent manner. The consultation runs until 14 April 2014. 

  • “Impact Of The Dodd-Frank Act On Commodity Futures And Swaps Markets” - Keynote Address By CFTC Commissioner Scott D. O’Malia, 2014 Bank Of Canada International Economic Analysis Workshop On Financialization Of Commodity Markets

    Date 21/03/2014

    I want to thank Bahattin for inviting me to speak at this workshop. The topic of today’s workshop is “Financialization of Commodity Markets.” As we all know, commodity prices have experienced an unprecedented rise from the early 2000s. During this time, investors poured large amounts of investment capital into the commodity markets. As such, there has been much written about whether the increased presence of financial investors in the commodity markets led to higher commodity prices and volatility, the so-called “financialization of commodities” debate. Many of today’s distinguished panelists have and will offer their insights on speculative activity in the commodity markets and its relationship to the financialization of these markets.

  • SIFMA Comments On FINRA CARDS Concept

    Date 21/03/2014

    SIFMA today submitted comments to the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) regarding FINRA’s concept proposal to develop a Comprehensive Automated Risk Data System (CARDS). While SIFMA supports FINRA’s goal of utilizing technology to make it a more efficient and effective regulator, SIFMA cannot support the CARDS concept.  More information as well as further analysis on how the system would be structured and utilized, and a better understanding of what existing FINRA-mandated systems would be replaced is necessary before proceeding any further. 

  • Protecting The Retail Investor, SEC Chair Mary Jo White, Consumer Federation Of America, 2014 Consumer Assembly, March 21, 2014

    Date 21/03/2014

    I. Introduction 

    Good morning.  Thank you, Barbara, for that very kind introduction.  It is my honor to speak before your Consumer Assembly.

    For over 45 years, the Consumer Federation of America (“CFA”) has played a critical role in advancing the interests of consumers through your research, advocacy and education efforts.  At the Securities and Exchange Commission, we have a three-part mission -- to protect investors, to ensure fair and efficient markets and to facilitate capital formation.  Each part of our mission circles back to the first – to protect investors – because if our markets are not fair and safe, they will not attract investors to provide the capital companies are seeking.