Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • July Statistics Report From The NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchanges

    Date 01/08/2011

    The value of average daily share trading amounted to EUR 2.2 billion, as compared to EUR2.6 billion during the past 12-month period. The average number of trades per business day amounted to 310,098 as compared to 303,284 during the past 12-month period. The total market cap of listed companies at NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange amounted to EUR 723 billion, compared to EUR 705 billion in July 2010.

  • UK's Financial Services Authority Publishes New Rules For Platforms

    Date 01/08/2011

    The Financial  Services Authority (FSA) has today published rules on platforms regulation.  This follows a review of the regulation of platforms in the context of the  objectives of the Retail Distribution Review (RDR).

  • Thai Bourse Strengthens Entrepreneurs With Venture Capital Project

    Date 01/08/2011

    The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) reinforces its role as investment middleman by holding an “Innobiz (innovative business) Matching Day” in each August-October  to assist Thai business owners meet prospective business partners and funding sources to boost future growth.

  • Warsaw Stock Exchange: Winners Of The Third Super Market Maker Competition Announced

    Date 01/08/2011

    The goal of this initiative of the Warsaw Stock Exchange is to create conditions for growth of trading in shares of participating companies by extending and enriching the order book and to recognise the most active brokers acting as market makers for the most liquid listed companies.

  • SGX Securities Market Starts All-Day Trading

    Date 01/08/2011

    Singapore Exchange’s (SGX) securities market today successfully began trading continuously all day.