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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • MCX Weekly Market Report March 02, 2012 - March 08, 2012

    Date 09/03/2012

    MCX Comdex was down by 0.22% to 3945.44, MCX Energy was down by 0.48% to 3510.96 and MCX Metal was down by 1.34% to 4947.20.

  • London Stock Exchange Group Plc To Acquire Majority Stake In LCH.Clearnet Group Limited - Leading Global Partnership In Multi-Asset, Multi-Venue Clearing And Risk Management Services

    Date 09/03/2012

    • Strongly positions Enlarged Group for long-term, leading role in global market infrastructure, in partnership with customers
    • Combines LCH.Clearnet’s open, horizontal model with LSEG’s proven track record of customer partnerships and reinforces LCH.Clearnet’s stakeholder governance model
    • Reinforces LSEG’s diversification strategy and enhances portfolio of leading global brands, products and services to drive growth
    • Builds on the combined expertise of LCH.Clearnet and LSEG in owning and successfully developing regulated, systemically important businesses across multiple geographies
    • Accepting LCH.Clearnet Shareholders will receive €20 per LCH.Clearnet Share acquired, comprising the Offer of €19 per LCH.Clearnet Share in cash plus €1 per LCH.Clearnet Share from the Special Dividend (payable by LCH.Clearnet in 5 years, subject to deductions)
    • LCH.Clearnet total implied value of €813 million (£677 million), comprising total implied Offer value from LSEG of €772 million (£643 million) plus Special Dividend of €41 million (£34 million) (payable by LCH.Clearnet in 5 years, subject to deductions)
    • LSEG to become majority owner of LCH.Clearnet, holding up to 60 per cent.; LCH.Clearnet Shareholders to retain at least 40 per cent.
    • Maximum consideration to be paid by LSEG will be €463 million (£386 million), funded from existing resources and bank facilities
    • Immediately earnings accretive for LSEG and return on invested capital is expected to exceed LSEG’s current cost of capital in the first year
    • Undertakings received from LCH.Clearnet Shareholders to vote in favour of the LCH.Clearnet Resolution and to accept the Offer, representing 62.7 and up to 46.9 per cent. of LCH.Clearnet’s Issued Share Capital respectively

  • NYSE Euronext Announces Trading Volumes For February 2012 - Global Derivatives ADV Down 21% Year-Over-Year - European Cash ADV Down 9% - U.S. Cash ADV Down 21%

    Date 09/03/2012

    NYSE Euronext (NYX) today announced trading volumes for its global derivatives and cash equities exchanges for February 20121. Trading volumes declined year-over- year and month-over-month across most venues. Global derivatives average daily volume (“ADV”) of 7.0 million contracts in February 2012 decreased 21.4% versus the prior year, with European Derivatives declining 35.7% and U.S. equity options decreasing 9.2%. European cash trading ADV decreased 8.7% year-over-year, but increased 7.1% from January 2012 levels. U.S. cash trading ADV decreased 21.0% from February 2011 levels.

  • Roll-Out Of Countering Bribery Criteria And FTSE4Good Semi-Annual March 2012 Review

    Date 09/03/2012

    FTSE Group (“FTSE”), the award-winning global index provider, today announces changes following the March FTSE4Good and ESG Ratings semi-annual Review; including the roll-out of new countering bribery criteria to be applied to the assessments of over 1200 companies. This is expected to lead to improvements as new research from Edinburgh University has uncovered that the engagement FTSE carries out with companies regarding new FTSE4Good criteria has led to hundreds of companies globally improving their environmental, social and governance practices.

  • Monetary Authority Of Singapore: New Electronic Platform For Offer Documents, Registration Of Business Trusts, And Authorization/Recognition Of CIS - OPERA II

    Date 09/03/2012

    Currently, prospectuses and other offer documents relating to offers of shares, debentures and units in business trusts and collective investment schemes (“CIS”) are lodged in hard copies with MAS, and published on OPERA (Offers and Prospectuses Electronic Repository and Access), an on-line database which can be accessed via the MAS website. 

  • ASX Ltd Half-Year Results - Edited Media Briefing Transcript

    Date 09/03/2012

    Elmer Funke Kupper, ASX Managing Director and CEO: 

    Welcome to the ASX results presentation for the first half of the 2012 financial year. We have people joining us here in Sydney as well as over the phone. My name is Elmer Funke Kupper, I joined the ASX as Chief Executive back in October 2011 and I am joined by my colleagues Peter Hiom our Deputy CEO and Ramy Aziz our CFO. I will present for approximately 20-25 minutes and then we will open it up for questions.

  • ASIC Releases Guidance And Policy Proposals For Carbon Financial Products

    Date 09/03/2012

    ASIC today released regulatory guidance to help business comply with its legal requirements leading up to the introduction of Australia’s carbon pricing mechanism later this year.

  • Shanghai Stock Exchange To Strengthen Supervision Of Blue Chip Market

    Date 09/03/2012

    The blue chip investment has increasingly become the common concern of both regulatory authorities and market participants. The SSE, with an aim of building a blue chip market, is faced with both arduous tasks and rare development opportunities.

  • Shenzhen Stock Exchange Reminds Small-Medium Investors To Rationally Participate In New Stock First-Day Trading

    Date 09/03/2012

    March 08 was the first day for the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to carry out the system for temporary trading suspension on the first day for IPO stock listing, and on the same day, the two new stocks, i.e., Blue Silver Equipment and Boya Bio-pharmaceutical, was listed on ChiNext board. Boya Bio-pharmaceutical rose 52 percent at the market opening; and its trading had to been suspended temporarily from 9:51 a.m. through 14:57 p.m. due to over 50 percent hands change ratio; until the market close, the stock gained 55.20 percent with the daily hands change ratio of 62.97 percent. Blue Silver Equipment rose 27.34 percent at the market opening; and its trading also had to been suspended accidently from 9:57 AM through 14:57 PM due to over 50 percent hands change ratio; until the market close, the stock gained 29.84 percent with the daily hands change ratio of 63.49 percent. Compared to other stocks newly listed on ChiNext board, the above two new stocks had the significantly decreasing fluctuation in intraday trading with the dramatically slid hands change ratio, signaling that the efforts to prevent speculation had gotten the positive effect.

  • ASX Ltd Half-Year Results - Edited Analyst Briefing Transcript

    Date 09/03/2012

    John Heagerty from Credit Suisse: 

    A couple of questions please. Firstly on the trends you are seeing at the moment. You have given us some overview of the trends for six weeks, but would you consider yourself more akin to the second quarter rather than the first quarter? Can we expect a fairly subdued second half? It seems to be what you are implying. If you could just confirm that please?