FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
Vienna Stock Exchange Q1: Record Quarter For Bond Listings In A Continuously Challenging Environment
Date 03/04/2024
High interest rates, the ongoing war in Ukraine and persistently high inflation: trading activity on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the first quarter of 2024 – as on comparable European markets – was characterised by the unchanged difficult conditions. Share turnover totalled EUR 14.3 billion in the first three months. Bond listings, on the other hand, remained at a record level, with 3,000 new listings, the best start to a year in historical terms. Securities ownership in Austria is also developing positively, as the latest “Aktienbarometer” shows. With Jump Trading B.V., a new trading member was connected to the Vienna Stock Exchange. This means that a total of 69 members – 21 Austrian and 48 international banks and investment firms – are currently authorised to trade on the Vienna Stock Exchange.
ISDA And AFME Responds To UK Prudential Regulation Authority On Approach To Policy
Date 03/04/2024
On March 28, ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) submitted a joint response to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) consultation on its approach to policy. The associations highlight the importance of considering UK market specificities in meeting the secondary competitiveness and growth objective, and in the implementation of international standards. The associations express their support for the continuation of structured policy development in dialogue with the industry, while also advocating for the enhancement of the PRA’s stakeholder engagement by re-establishing standing groups and horizon risk scanning groups, and greater industry cooperation during the initiation phase of the policy cycle. Other key points in the response include recommendations on clustering regulatory principles and suggested improvements to the cost-benefit analysis and data collection processes to achieve greater transparency.
Bank Liquidity, Regulation, And The Fed's Role As Lender Of Last Resort, Federal Governor Michelle W. Bowman, At The Roundtable On The Lender Of Last Resort: The 2023 Banking Crisis And COVID, Sponsored By The Committee On Capital Markets Regulation, Washington, D.C.
Date 03/04/2024
Today's roundtable comes at an opportune time, as we recently passed the one-year anniversary of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank.1 The long shadow of these bank failures, and the subsequent failure of First Republic, have prompted a great deal of discussion about the bank regulatory framework, including capital regulation, the approach to supervision, and the role of tailoring, among other topics. It is my hope that our discussion today reviews and considers the appropriate role of the Federal Reserve in providing liquidity to the U.S. banking system and, of course, its role as the "lender of last resort" through the discount window and authority under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act.
CaixaBank Studies The Prevention Of Cyberthreats By Using AI Tools
Date 03/04/2024
- The bank is involved in two European consortia to improve the financial system's strengths in the face of cyberthreats and improve its response to incidents.
- The bank is the only Spanish company to be selected to become part of two projects within the framework of the Digital Europe programme.
- Cybersecurity is a strategic priority for CaixaBank, which has optimised its cybersecurity ecosystem with specialist teams and advanced technology infrastructure to protect digital transactions.
LME Data Highlights: Q1 2024
Date 03/04/2024
In Q1 2024, LME volumes surged with overall average daily volume (ADV) up 31% year-on-year, and market open interest (MOI) up 21%. Particularly strong growth was seen in LME Lead, with ADV at a record high of 83,431 lots in March 2024 – and up in Q1 by 48% year-on-year. LME Nickel ADV increased 75%, with MOI up 47% compared to the same period in 2023.
Intercontinental Exchange Reports March And First Quarter 2024 Statistics - Record Q1 Total Futures & Options ADV, Including Record Energy
Date 03/04/2024
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE:ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, today reported March 2024 trading volume and related revenue statistics, which can be viewed on the company’s investor relations website at https://ir.theice.com/ir-resources/supplemental-information in the Monthly Statistics Tracking spreadsheet.
Dun & Bradstreet: Global Business Optimism Continues To Climb As Businesses Indicate Sustained Confidence - Global Supply Chain Continuity Index Continues To Decline Amid Disruptions In Trade Routes
Date 03/04/2024
Dun & Bradstreet (NYSE:DNB), a leading global provider of business decisioning data and analytics, today released its Q2 2024 Global Business Optimism Insights report. The latest quarterly report highlights a sustained positive trend in the global business outlook, with the Dun & Bradstreet Global Business Optimism Index rising 5.4% quarter over quarter.
ETFs Continue To Make Headway In The European Market And Now Account For 16% Of Open-Ended Fund AUM
Date 03/04/2024
The Quantalys Harvest Group Survey on ETF Management , in partnership with BNP Paribas Asset Management (“BNPP AM”), provides a European overview of the ETF market and highlights the main trends observed.
CTM Debuts New Tri-Party Matching Workflow For Prime Brokers With Societe Generale As First To Go Live, Bringing Greater Post-Trade Process Automation As Industry Prepares For Global Accelerated Settlement
Date 03/04/2024
DTCC, the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry, today announced that Societe Generale is the first Prime Broker to leverage CTM’s new automated tri-party trade matching workflow as the industry prepares for the increased focus on global accelerated settlement requirements. CTM’s new capability streamlines trade communications between Hedge Funds, Prime Brokers and Executing Brokers. Initially launched to support EMEA securities markets, the firm plans to expand access to the new functionally to other markets in the future.
MarketAxess Announces Monthly Volume Statistics For March And First Quarter 2024 - Record Quarterly Total Credit Trading ADV Of $15.0 Billion, Driven By Record U.S. High-Grade ADV Of $7.5 Billion, Record Emerging Markets ADV Of $3.6 Billion And Record Eurobonds ADV Of $2.0 Billion
Date 03/04/2024
MarketAxess Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: MKTX), the operator of a leading electronic trading platform for fixed-income securities, today announced trading volume and preliminary variable transaction fees per million (“FPM”) for March and the first quarter ended March 31, 2024.