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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

News Centre

  • CFTC Commissioner Johnson Announces CFTC Market Risk Advisory Committee Meeting On April 9

    Date 03/04/2024

    CFTC Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson, sponsor of the Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC), announced today the MRAC will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, April 9 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (EDT) at the CFTC’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.

  • The Bank Of England And The UK Financial Conduct Authority Issue Joint Consultation And Draft Guidance On The Digital Securities Sandbox

    Date 03/04/2024

    The Bank of England (the Bank) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (collectively the ‘regulators’) are consulting on their proposed approach to operating the Digital Securities Sandbox (DSS). The DSS is an initiative run by the regulators that will help facilitate the adoption of innovative technology in digital assets in the UK.

  • Vienna Stock Exchange Q1: Record Quarter For Bond Listings In A Continuously Challenging Environment

    Date 03/04/2024

    High interest rates, the ongoing war in Ukraine and persistently high inflation: trading activity on the Vienna Stock Exchange in the first quarter of 2024 – as on comparable European markets – was characterised by the unchanged difficult conditions. Share turnover totalled EUR 14.3 billion in the first three months. Bond listings, on the other hand, remained at a record level, with 3,000 new listings, the best start to a year in historical terms. Securities ownership in Austria is also developing positively, as the latest “Aktienbarometer” shows. With Jump Trading B.V., a new trading member was connected to the Vienna Stock Exchange. This means that a total of 69 members – 21 Austrian and 48 international banks and investment firms – are currently authorised to trade on the Vienna Stock Exchange.

  • ISDA And AFME Responds To UK Prudential Regulation Authority On Approach To Policy

    Date 03/04/2024

    On March 28, ISDA and the Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) submitted a joint response to the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) consultation on its approach to policy. The associations highlight the importance of considering UK market specificities in meeting the secondary competitiveness and growth objective, and in the implementation of international standards. The associations express their support for the continuation of structured policy development in dialogue with the industry, while also advocating for the enhancement of the PRA’s stakeholder engagement by re-establishing standing groups and horizon risk scanning groups, and greater industry cooperation during the initiation phase of the policy cycle. Other key points in the response include recommendations on clustering regulatory principles and suggested improvements to the cost-benefit analysis and data collection processes to achieve greater transparency.

  • Bank Liquidity, Regulation, And The Fed's Role As Lender Of Last Resort, Federal Governor Michelle W. Bowman, At The Roundtable On The Lender Of Last Resort: The 2023 Banking Crisis And COVID, Sponsored By The Committee On Capital Markets Regulation, Washington, D.C.

    Date 03/04/2024

    Today's roundtable comes at an opportune time, as we recently passed the one-year anniversary of the failures of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and Signature Bank.1 The long shadow of these bank failures, and the subsequent failure of First Republic, have prompted a great deal of discussion about the bank regulatory framework, including capital regulation, the approach to supervision, and the role of tailoring, among other topics. It is my hope that our discussion today reviews and considers the appropriate role of the Federal Reserve in providing liquidity to the U.S. banking system and, of course, its role as the "lender of last resort" through the discount window and authority under section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act.