FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
News Centre
ISDA: EMIR Refit Reporting Suggested Operational Practices
Date 16/04/2024
In preparation for the commencement of the EMIR Refit regulatory reporting rules on 29 April 2024, Suggested Operational Practices (SOP) for over-the-counter derivative (OTC) reporting have been established and agreed by market participants through a series of discussions held within the ISDA Data and Reporting EMEA Working Group. These SOPs have been developed to help deliver accuracy and efficiency of EMIR reporting, and to adhere to the regulatory requirements.
BME Welcomes A New Amundi ETF Benchmarked To The IBEX 35®
Date 16/04/2024
- Amundi IBEX 35 UCITS ETF complements the French fund manager's offering of ETFs on the Spanish stock market, which chooses the IBEX 35® as the underlying for its Spanish exposures in Europe
ISDA Margin Survey Year-End 2023
Date 16/04/2024
The ISDA Margin Survey analyzes the amount and type of initial margin (IM) and variation margin (VM) posted for non-cleared derivatives. The survey also reviews IM posted by all market participants to major central counterparties (CCPs) for their cleared interest rate derivatives (IRD) and credit default swap (CDS) transactions.
Carbon Accounting Startup Zevero Acquired By LEVELUP To Help Companies In Fight To Reduce Global Carbon Emissions
Date 16/04/2024
- The combined company will operate under Zevero brand
- 26 and 27-year-old founders secure multi-million-pound deal following rapid UK growth
- Zevero will expand its specialisms in high-emission food and beverage industry to new industries and geographies with a new global management team
The Judicial Institute Of Jordan Visits The Amman Stock Exchange And Jordanian Capital Market Institutions
Date 16/04/2024
On Tuesday 16/04/2024 ,the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) received a student delegation from the Judicial Institute of Jordan as part of a field visit to the Jordanian capital market institutions (Jordan Securities Commission, Amman Stock Exchange, and Securities Depository Center), with the aim of learning about the working mechanism of Capital Market Institutions by presenting the tasks and responsibilities they undertake and the services they provide in addition to the legislation governing their work.
PA Consulting - Bringing Ingenuity To Life
Date 16/04/2024
PA Consulting ('PA'), is proud to announce the publication of its 'Ingenuity Review 23'. The report sets out PA's 2023 performance and five-year growth, as well as its work with clients to successfully navigate the global shifts shaping our world. Against a backdrop of significant political, economic, and environmental change, PA has made clear progress in its vision to work with its clients to deliver exceptional insight and impact. Building a positive human future that is safer, healthier, more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable.
Nord vLEI Becomes The First European-Based GLEIF Qualified vLEI Issuer - Expanding vLEI Ecosystem Supports Adoption Of vLEIs And Associated Organizational Role Credentials To Meet The Global Need For Automated Authentication And Verification Of Legal Entities
Date 16/04/2024
The Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) and Nord vLEI today announce that Nord vLEI has become the first European-based Qualified vLEI Issuer (QVI) within the verifiable Legal Entity Identifier (vLEI) ecosystem. Nord vLEI is a subsidiary of NordLEI, the leading LEI issuer in Scandinavia and eighth largest globally, with more than 165,000 LEIs issued since 2014.
With Proposed Standardisation Under Review, New WFE Research Provides A Robust And Useful Method Of Measuring Margin Model Responsiveness To Changes In Market Conditions
Date 16/04/2024
With standard setters considering further guidance on initial margin in centrally cleared markets, the World Federation of Exchanges (“WFE”) has today published joint research with Dr. David Murphy, Visiting Professor at the Department of Law of the London School of Economics (“LSE”) introducing a novel measure of initial margin model reactiveness (or “procyclicality”) that, unlike other measures, does not rely on particular risk factor paths and quantifies the uncertainty in the measurements.
KCx Partners With Adaptive To Deliver An Innovative Event-Driven Equities Trading System
Date 16/04/2024
Adaptive Financial Consulting (Adaptive), the experts in electronic trading technology solutions, today announces its partnership with KCx, Kepler Cheuvreux’s execution division, to create an innovative event-driven trading system based on Aeron® and its own Hydra technology.
Solactive Launches AI Semiconductor Index For Shinhan ETF
Date 16/04/2024
Solactive is pleased to announce the launch of the Solactive US AI Semiconductor Chip Makers Index for Shinhan Asset Management in South Korea. The SOL US AI SEMICONDUCTOR CHIP MAKERS ETF will track the Solactive index for investors seeking passive investment opportunities in leading companies that drive advancements in artificial intelligence through semiconductor technologies.